Asian and Black Communities Unite in Wake of Vicious Attacks

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
there's a big divide between the first generation that existed before affirmative action...
and the second gen that were able to take advantage of it

Affirmative Action was never meant for anyone else but Black Americans to begin with. Affirmative Action was meant as a form of reparations for Black America. However, it was sabotaged quickly, with Black people being the least to benefit from it.

J. F. Kennedy - Affirmative Action speech.

“That order called for the admission of two clearly qualified young Alabama residents who happened to have been born Negro.
“The Negro baby born in America today, regardless of the section of the Nation in which he is born, has about one-half as much chance of completing a high school as a white baby born in the same place on the same day, one-third as much chance of completing college, one-third as much chance of becoming a professional man, twice as much chance of becoming unemployed, about one-seventh as much chance of earning $10,000 a year, a life expectancy which is 7 years shorter, and the prospects of earning only half as much.”

“to each other that this is a land of the free except for the Negroes; that we have no second-class citizens except Negroes; that we have no class or cast system, no ghettoes, no master race except with respect to Negroes?”
Watch: JFK's civil rights speech, 50 years ago

"Mr. KANTROWITZ: In fact, they are less likely to receive college scholarships. And they represent about a third of the applicants, but only about 28 percent of the recipients. Caucasian students receive 72 percent of all scholarships. Minority students receive only 28 percent of all scholarships."
Mr. KANTROWITZ: Well, the Pell Grant program, the Caucasian students receive a much lower percentage of the awards. A Caucasian student has about a 20 percent chance of receiving a Pell Grant compared to 38 percent for minority students -a little bit higher for African-American students, a little bit lower for Hispanic students. And that's because the Pell Grant is based on the income and assets of the applicant, and minority students tend to have lower income than Caucasian students.

For example, looking just at the students with incomes, family incomes under $50,000, 48 percent of Caucasian students fall into that group, whereas 77 percent of African-American students fall into that group, and overall among minority students, 71 percent."
(March 17/ 2011, Scholarships: Who Gets Them And Why?, NPR)


(The Distribution of Grants and Scholarships by Race Mark Kantrowitz, September 2, 2011) Scholarships.pdf

(Status And Trends In The Education Of Racial And Ethnic Groups, February 22, 2019)

Been listening to the Black Authority. Black women with several academic degrees are being undermined and surpassed by immigrants (especially Asians) with lesser degrees. These heartbreaking stories, one after the other.

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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
There was a vote on Prop 16 in CA back in Nov that would allow the state to consider race in policy. Many Asians were campaigning against it.

Prop 16 supports repealing Prop 209, which says California can’t give preferential treatment to people based on race, ethnicity or sex in public employment, education and contracting. Supporters say banning affirmative action to prevent discrimination was deceptive. Opponents say it could hurt Asian Americans, who have an outsize enrollment in selective state universities.

Look at the folks in the comments of this video.

As was stated in previous posts. To start with, Affirmative Action was never meant for them or any other immigrant group. And Black people have been putting billions in their communities over the many decades, which paid for them ways into college and university. They've lived good off of the backs of Blacks. Now look at Black peoples condition in 2021. And some still aren't learning.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
I live here damn near all my life. It's mine as much as it is yours if I choose to claim it. I've already called Jamaica a failed state and shyt on Jamaica every chance I get.
Does that make you a proud Jamaican?

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017

These are real nice historical images, and symbolic. Most Asians immigrated to the US after the civil right era. The government helped them to set up businesses in Black communities. That same government that helped to sabotage Black communities into poverty and decimation. It's a salesmen vs costumer relationship. In reality you will not see Asians patronizing Black stores, businesses, or even hiring Blacks in their stores or businesses (in percentages perhaps with a few exceptions 0.00001).

Damaged Asian businesses show solidarity with Black Lives Matter protesters

"For almost 50 years, the Korean-American community has dominated the black beauty supply market by opening large stores, buying out smaller black-owned ones and using the faces of black celebrities on their products and black employees in their stores to grow their businesses in the black community."
Are Koreans Keeping Blacks Out of the Hair Weave Industry?


Despite history, Japanese Americans and African Americans are working together to claim their rights
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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
I don't ride for foolishness. I call shyt honestly and the way I see it. I'm a person first before we get to checking boxes.
No, you misinterpreted my question. What I asking is, does it make you proud to sh*t on Jamaica? And what does that make Jamaican immigrants?

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
nah brehs like you pretending that there is valid get back in the elderly being victimized. why is anyones first response "but they racist too"


low vibration central. has nothing to do with POC or alliances just respect. If pussies were revolutionaries they would go after people who can fight back. simple.

cut the bullshyt
I don't think anyone here is justifying the attacks on elderly people. I think people are taking it to a larger conversation.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
I don't think anyone here is justifying the attacks on elderly people. I think people are taking it to a larger conversation.
people are taking it to a disingenuous place drawing false equivalency.

raise those issues when pertinent NOT AS A DISTRACTION from this. I can't really hang with the juvenile mental gymnastics folks bring on here. shyt should have been left at childhood

it's basically like you dealing with police brutality and then someone shows up saying "what about Black on Black crime"

like c'mon son.

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
people are taking it to a disingenuous place drawing false equivalency.

raise those issues when pertinent NOT AS A DISTRACTION from this. I can't really hang with the juvenile mental gymnastics folks bring on here. shyt should have been left at childhood

like c'mon son.

You are right. The true equivalency is that Black people mostly are in contact with Asians as B2C, not as B2B. That is the relationship between Asians and Blacks. I am sure this is even the case in Toronto.

There's obviously a lot of underlying motives and feelings in what people express, that should not be disregarded as "a disingenuous place drawing false equivalency".

Pertaining the suspect, he claims that it was not racially motivated, but just random. He also never stated what the motivation was and why he pushed (elderly) people randomly. This doesn't mean it justifies it, but it does make it odd.

People have questions. Is the man mentally ill, from what country did this man come etc...? These are things people objectively are concerned with. We know how the media always puts out this data when it comes to Black victims and predators to drive a narrative. Obviously more is going on here, because all of a sudden we see a flood of cases with Black suspects.

it's basically like you dealing with police brutality and then someone shows up saying "what about Black on Black crime"

like c'mon son.

That is indeed being brought up all time when we deal with sociological Black issues that go back decades, or even centuries. All you have to do is read the comment sections when this is being discussed. So where is the executive order that protects Black people that is what Black people are wondering about? Anyway, what about Asian on Asian crime? (just kidding). In all seriousness, sociology is a complicated subject. You should know that, right, self proclaimed emeritus?

"A triad is one of many branches of Chinese transnational organized crime syndicates based in Greater China and in countries with significant overseas Chinese populations, such as the United States and most countries in East and Southeast Asia."
Triad (organized crime) - Wikipedia

Like c'mon son.
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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
If you as an ADOS have to ask this, I am wondering about a few things here.... Then again, I have never heard of an ADOS called "Savvir", so that could explain why. Perhaps you can explain why?

Here are multiple sources.


A few other factors about Asian immigrants.

"About half of Asians ages 25 and older (51%) have a bachelor’s degree or more, compared with 30% of all Americans this age. These shares vary widely by Asian origin group. Indians have the highest level of educational attainment among Asian Americans, with 72% holding a bachelor’s degree or more in 2015. A majority of Sri Lankan (57%), Mongolian (59%) and Malaysian (60%) adults 25 and older have a bachelor’s degree or more. But lower shares of adults have a bachelor’s degree or more for Cambodians (18%), Hmong (17%), Laotians (16%) and Bhutanese (9%)."
"Asian unauthorized immigrants made up about 13% of the 11.1 million unauthorized immigrants who live in the U.S. Unauthorized immigrants from four nations in Asia were among the top 15 origin groups for unauthorized immigrants – India (500,000), China (325,000), the Philippines (180,000) and Korea (160,000)."
Key facts about Asian Americans


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