What’s low vibration central is this lil ass post of yours having more smoke for your own fellow brehs than you do towards these damn Asians who couldn’t give a fukk about you at all.
Then again, your bamma ass is from multicultural Toronto right? So of course
YOU will put on the

for these Asians
Imma say it again, you POC-loving kneegrows are on some pathetic shyt and deserve whatever harm that comes y’all way in order to get y’all to wake up and taste that bitter ass coffee called reality. Y’all prolly the same type of kneegrows who give water bottles to open white supremacist elderly Cacs who are being threatened with heatstroke while out “protesting” during the warmer seasons

Y’all ain’t no different from the rest of the masses, nothing but a bunch of useless low-vibrational fools and fodder.