1- The caucasoid, mongoloid and negroid classification was made up by 20th century European as a means to classify populations according to narrow characteristics. Human biodiversity is more complex and diverse than that, not to mention that classifications are fluid and are impacted by socio-historical and political factors. So to say that all humans fall in this three groups is in my opinion overly reductive and outdated. There are many groups that fall outside of these three classification or overlap with several of these classifications and cannot be placed in one particular category.
2- I did not say only light skinned, I simply listed it as one of a series of phenotypical characteristics. I am not confusing colourism and featurism, I am conflating them, not all mixed people have to be light to be preferred. Like I said men who prefer the look of Latinas over black women do so because they have aesthetic they are not able to find in black American women in abundance which btw you pointed out yourself with the following;
again, i don’t wanna get into a bashing BW convo so i’ll keep it generic : nikkaz have a thing for whats called exoticals & nuyorican / nuyominicans fit that exotic look WAY MORE than any other female
Exotical, is not a value system, nor is it referring a cultural mannerism but is pinpointing a "stereotypical aesthetic" that not even all Latinas reflect. I think we both know when someone mentions "exotical" Amara La Negra isn't who comes to mind despite being Latina and very beautiful. Exotical to me doesn't mean pretty, it just mean visibly mixed/multiracial/multiethnic. Hence why I made the conclusion I did, I just did not beat around the bush about it. Which is not bashing BW, it is simply an observation.
3- Debunked in the sense that when people first ran with what you said, they assumed that black people numerically consist of a large or major portion of the population throughout South America. But after further research, it simply means that a large portion of South Americans have varying degrees of black ancestry. Many South American countries have absorbed their black populations by either decimation via war/oppression, or through encouraging mixing to dilute black lineage hence "la mejorar la raza" trope and the complex racial categories. Hence why hispanics don't strictly define race, the way that Americans do. I did not delve in the reasons why Black Americans are blacker looking than hispanics I simply said that to claim that Latinas are perceived like BW is intellectually dishonest which you have confirmed with the above quote.
The Latinas who
ARE black and
NOT mestiza are in purgatory because they do not ascribe to phenotypical expectations that men have of Latinas. Mestiza like Cyn and Erica don't count, in fact she herself distance from the black label and expressed how some black men treat her as opposed to black American women. So...it kinda defeats what you are saying because you are both othering Latinas and
claiming them as black which is contradicting. It can be argued that Latina is interchangeable with American version "creole/biracial/MGM".
1: How does it defeat my purpose when I said I consider them to be black for the simple reason there are only 3 different types of races on the planet Caucasoid, Mongoloid & Negroid.... so, I ask you which one of the typical Puerto Rican/Dominican fits under ?
2: no no no & no
i posted a pic of Erica Mena & Cyn Santana 2 exoticals far from being fair skin
what you have done is confuse colorism with featurism
3: debunked? Where in the hell did you get this nonsense from ? imma need multiple receipts on this bullshyt
the only reason ADOS retain more West African DNA is because it was illegal for interracial relationships in America
while in South America and the Caribbean the mixing of races was heavily prevalent