Woah, never heard anything about that, but it sounds pretty crazy. I thought it was alright, but for whatever reason I really liked the atmosphere and order of the songs more on Blackland. I thought they sounded a lot better with the different effects he would put on the tracks, and the lo-fi nature. It's not even like the songs sound bad either, it was just disappointing to hear those same songs again when I felt like there was already a better version out there. I'm just disappointed that he chose to make it a compilation instead of new stuff. I can understand that a lot of people can't get into low-fi tho.Yeah, I like it. It's basically 3 6 mafias underground vol. 1 with a eazy e kinda sucking at rapping though.
That makes it sound bad but it's not, he samples that hoax that went around the internet that was supposedly a recording from hell that drillers in siberia recorded
and it's mastered unlike his lo-fi other work.
Honestly though, about him being a bad rapper, I'm finding I care less and less about guys being lyrically impressive. I don't go to him when I want some hard lyrics so I'm not disappointed when he can't provide them