As Black People, Where did we go wrong and Where do we continue to go wrong?


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
The black church is one of the most revolutionary aspects of Black American history. :ufdup:

Probably responsible for your black ass being alive today, for a lot of your culture and identity. Calm down with that talk you doing.

This coming from a person who is not "spiritual." I do, however, believe in the community building power of "religion."

Breh, most of these cats really have no clue what they're talking about. I'm agnostic and personally can't stand church or Christianity, but the black church has been an integral force for black liberation for centuries.

nikkas need to actually pick up a book and read instead of saying dumb shyt like blaming Dr. King


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Last I checked a lot of churches were put in place by the white man and the preachers were told what to preach. I don't believe the black church is anything constructive in the past or present. It teaches blacks to accept oppression and to forgive while white people go out and seek revenge and justice. It encourages blacks to accept abuse and to just suck it up and maybe it will all just disappear but it never has. In 2015 racism is just as present.

The same church you're talking shyt about was started by a black man responsible for the largest slave revolt in US history. Has the church been coopted today? Absolutely. But historically the black church has been the center of our liberation. There's no denying that.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
How quick we were to selling ourselves for a quick buck and sexual relations is :smh:

If crack was placed in a poor community of another race back in the 80s, they would have united and got rid of that shyt.

Problem is, we stuck in that high school mentality where grown ass men and women in their 30's and 40s shyt on "nerds" that make any society work.

Breh, do you know how silly you sound? In 2015 of course we know how horrible crack is, but in the 80s nobody even heard of crack. Nobody knew its effects and nobody knew how quickly it would spread.


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
Crack was susceptible on the black populace because of the dysfunctional culture blacks had due to white liberals. Ppl are seriously undermining the damage this group had done to black people. If we were to examine hard evidence the closet thing you have to this "white supremacy" group talked about so much on the root would be white liberals. fukk, I'll post the facts.

The Hard Facts:

- The Democratic Party wanted to maintain and expand slavery. And fought Rep. on the issue at every turn.

- After Lincoln was assassinated(I wonder why), Johnson thwarted Republican efforts in Congress to recognize the civil rights of the freed slaves. The party continued to do so for almost a century.

- Liberals manufactured/amplified the social problem between whites and blacks in the south by using propaganda that blacks were to blame for the north rektn them in the civil war and ending their prosperity. They did this to prevent Whites from engaging in economic trade with blacks.

- KKK was part of this social conditioning which was also meant to increase black hatred by terrifying freed slaves and white republicans who they labeled as ******lovers.

- Jim Crow Laws: Again, White racist liberals understood economics and knew that the free markets inherently disincentivize discrimination which meant it was only a matter of time that Blacks would gain economic freedom, and that white for-profit business owners would be incentivize to integrate with blacks for bigger profit gains which would kill their political power in the south. So beside social conditioning they regulated the free market threw forced segregation with Jim Crow, and minimum-wage laws to price inexperienced blacks out of jobs. .

- Social-welfare programs of the 1960s helped wreck the black nuclear family and make socioeconomic self-independence undesirable. Our culture prevented economic segregation plots from working, so liberals destroyed it, by destroying the family unit.

- Liberals never stopped being racist, Liberal just switched from overt racism to a subversive strategy of getting blacks as dependent as possible on government to secure their votes. At the same time, they began to label anyone who opposes their strategy as racists, "I'll have those ******s voting democratic for the next 200 years" -LBJ(and we took the bait)

- Diversity Quotas/Affirmative action either benefited blacks who were already academically qualified or put academically unqualified blacks in rigorous schools where they struggled to succeed leading to decades of high college dropout rates for Blacks when they could have succeeded if they were matched properly to the college of their skills setting them back for life, and Liberals pay NO COST for decades of this damage.


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May 6, 2012
Lack of a black economy.

When our people gave up our economic wealth to white people after desegregation the racist whites took control of it and are now using it against us.
Facts. Do for self clearly wasn't big enough for us to carry that on as a tradition after all the movements we had. Talking to older folks experiences and how many black grocery's, corner stores, clubs, laundry mats, hair salons, etc were on my street alone in the 70s and were sold by the mid 90s shows a lack of fight. Which is why I say cowardice was the thing that put us where we are now. Yeah we fighting a big enemy but that is a constant. What we can control is how we use what we got and we are not using it right at all.


May 29, 2014
People love to say this but I've never seen it substantiated. Where is the evidence? Where is the study that shows black people that believe in white supremacy don't try as hard? In fact where is any study demonstrating that black people aren't striving towards progress?

Even a cursory glance at history tells us that the black condition is not self inflicted, where is the proof that accepting this makes us weak?

Do you not see how it could very well be the opposite? How ignoring history and using the immediate present as an isolated bellwether buys into the idea that black people are fatally flawed and destined to enact their own downfall?
Where did I say to ignore history?


Staff member
Sep 9, 2013
We don't want to work for success. We want it given to us. Anything that is good is worth the fight for. It's almost like we have made it acceptable to give up on goals and not give enough praise to the ones who are continuing to reach their goals. Instead of working together we would rather shoot and fight. We have made it culturally acceptable to be reckless with our behavior and it has to and needs to stop. I'm from the South so I can't speak for anyone else but it's pretty bad down here.

You are looking real suspect right now. First you say we all don't want to work for success, that we all just fight and kill. Then in another thread you say all people from the hood sell drugs or are in a gang. Then it was just people your age. Then it was just people in your area.


I honestly think we went wrong with the loss of community and integration. I am not completely sure at this point if am against integration but it definitely hurt us.

While we were in our own communities that is where we strived the best. We had a mix of all economic levels, education levels, ideas, and our own structures. We banned together, we worked together. Then we let white people tell us, what we had was not the best or good enough. As soon as we could, we left our communities instead of using what we gained from the civil rights movement to build our communities up, we left them to begin to rot. Then complain about how we don't have anything. I moved back to a house my family owns that is in a decent neighborhood a mix of houses, I would say lower income to middle. But its in the hood or at least the outskirts. When I tell you going throughout the community you see the shells of everything it use to have to offer. Grocery stores, schools, other businesses, they are grave yards and its really sad. You have to go out for everything.

Then crack hit and completely tore our community apart. Those last outliners had to move and you can't blame them. Those who stayed and made it out hardly ever give back. We let everything of ours die; in favor of what we are told is the best. Our HBCU's are dying because there is a belief that they aren't good enough. Kids don't go, they don't get funding, bottom of the barrel instructors and staff making some even less appealing. And yes, the thought process of our communities not being good enough is part of white supremacy.

But now that we know what’s going on we have to be the ones to fix our own community. We are so divided right now and it’s hurting us. Even when one of us is killed we can't come together. Everyone else has a strong community base. They support each other; they keep their issues in house when something happens. They show solidarity. We are missing that, I understand why but we are in desperate need for it.


Sep 2, 2014
I love black peole so this is my rant for black people ONLY.

Black people need a new way of thinking. A new black American philosophy, code of conduct or something. Black people learn to love ourselves and appreciate and protect our culture and heritage again. How can black people love themselves again: look to our history. Study it. We are really a dynamic people with a incredible heritage. Embrace and protect our culture. You'll find courage and confidence.

And stop looking at cacs as the standards human beings. For the love of GOD(African one.)Instead look at our black selves as the standard. Then we will be fine and right back on track. Everything will fall into place. A sovereign, independent people with pride and love for themselves can't go wrong. If black people valued ourselves and our community we wouldn't be worrying about the shyt we do because we would instinctively work towards perserving our community and empowering ourselves.

We need to make black empowerment cool and attractive. And start openly shunning negative music, imagery and c00ns and anyone who undermine the integrity of our community. Have some courage and pride!!

Black people have to make the world understand that we are sovereign human beings who have to be respected. We need to start behaving like people who value ourselves.

Stop being passive and weak: Forgiving terrorists for gunning us down for example. Accepting whatever from non blacks so you won't be left out. fukk them. If it wasn't for the literally blood, sweat, and tears of our black ancestors who fought the way non white/black minorities wouldn't have many of the rights they have today. Civil Rights wasn't just for black people. A lot non whites benefited from our painful rebellion.
Stop looking up to other races: As if they are more beautiful, smarter, or just superior, etc. They are not. Hell they follow us around. Look at how many non black weirdos hang on to our every move. Black twitter, tumblr, vine. We are IT. All of that. Realize it.
Appreciate our community: Stand up for our beauty, our culture, our women , our men, our hbcus, etc., etc., etc. Black is good enough.
Be exclusive: Stop accepting every motherfukker into our race. It makes us look like goofy as people who anyone can get over on. No other people do this. They are not even deserving anyway. Can non blacks do what we do?? Hell no. Realize this.
Stop lifting up others. We look like damn fools out here putting other people who fukking hate us to stand above our own. Its lame. black men> any other males. Black women> any other bytches. They do us like that. Take a hint black people!
Stop giving folks that hate you all of your money. The wackest shyt ever. Black people could brag about being the richest people in America, spending over a trillion dollars a year. But instead we should be embarrassed because we gave it all away to people who hate us. Just think over a trilllion dollars could be floating in our community right now enriching a lot of us. Only goofy ass people let other walk all over them.

Black people are the most imitated yet the most disrespected. How can that be so? Shouldn't motherfukkers be falling at our feet?
Instead they push us around. Why? Because they can. Because we let them. Because we appear weak and goofy. And they try us for it.

Reverse the being accepted into mainstream (slave, jim crow, white people is better and other weak nikka mentality because lets be real after all these centuries folks still don't like us and reject us and mock us) into black people are standard in our community mentality and everything will fall into place.

Leave mainstream media alone. It is brainwashing. Support black media. Non black people aint shyt. Look at your own self. Love your blackness and embrace and love your people.


Jul 1, 2015

You are looking real suspect right now. First you say we all don't want to work for success, that we all just fight and kill. Then in another thread you say all people from the hood sell drugs or are in a gang. Then it was just people your age. Then it was just people in your area.


I honestly think we went wrong with the loss of community and integration. I am not completely sure at this point if am against integration but it definitely hurt us.

While we were in our own communities that is where we strived the best. We had a mix of all economic levels, education levels, ideas, and our own structures. We banned together, we worked together. Then we let white people tell us, what we had was not the best or good enough. As soon as we could, we left our communities instead of using what we gained from the civil rights movement to build our communities up, we left them to begin to rot. Then complain about how we don't have anything. I moved back to a house my family owns that is in a decent neighborhood a mix of houses, I would say lower income to middle. But its in the hood or at least the outskirts. When I tell you going throughout the community you see the shells of everything it use to have to offer. Grocery stores, schools, other businesses, they are grave yards and its really sad. You have to go out for everything.

Then crack hit and completely tore our community apart. Those last outliners had to move and you can't blame them. Those who stayed and made it out hardly ever give back. We let everything of ours die; in favor of what we are told is the best. Our HBCU's are dying because there is a belief that they aren't good enough. Kids don't go, they don't get funding, bottom of the barrel instructors and staff making some even less appealing. And yes, the thought process of our communities not being good enough is part of white supremacy.

But now that we know what’s going on we have to be the ones to fix our own community. We are so divided right now and it’s hurting us. Even when one of us is killed we can't come together. Everyone else has a strong community base. They support each other; they keep their issues in house when something happens. They show solidarity. We are missing that, I understand why but we are in desperate need for it.

People want change but they do nothing about it. Im from the hood but i know that in order to better my community I have to better myself. I also think that bad behavior is promoted instead of being look down upon. I dont know where you are from by in my city they took away all of our grocery stores away and started to put of more of those easy credit loan places everywhere around my neighborhood. There used to be a couple of sections downtown where black people live. They jacked up the rent prices forcing everybody move out. Torn those down and made new one so white people could move in because they thought the downtown area was too black. I know that I was contradicting myself with what I said but I also want my people to do better and have better lives.

Kid McNamara

'97 Mike Bibby
Jan 24, 2013
Freshman Year
Breh, most of these cats really have no clue what they're talking about. I'm agnostic and personally can't stand church or Christianity, but the black church has been an integral force for black liberation for centuries.

nikkas need to actually pick up a book and read instead of saying dumb shyt like blaming Dr. King

I came to the conclusion that dude was trolling or just not too bright. Either way :yeshrug:

Like my man Sam says, "If you didn't know you were being scammed you're too fukking dumb to keep this job, if you did know, that means you were in on it. Either way, you're out."



May 10, 2015
Seems like this country is close to another civil war if most blacks woke up and unified in mind and actions

Bugatti Biceps

Supreme Hacker
Jul 1, 2015
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn NY
Black culture, from the churches to the music the community, does not value intelligence like it should. Being smart is a burden as a black man, as a point of derision. If we put down our best and brightest intellectuals, we push them right into cac culture. Until we start valuing brains over brawn, we will stay being the unvalued mules of the earth.