Warsies and Trekkies, a timeless battle. Star Wars is the PG-version of Game of Thrones in a space opera and epic that shows grand scale battles, damsels in distress, swash-buckling anti-hero, and the boy wonder, essentially Joseph Campbell's "The Hero with A Thousand Faces" which GL admits SW is based upon. Good vs Evil is the constant struggle....
Trek is grounded a bit more in reality as it exists in our timeline (#OG Timeline/Non-Red Matter Gang) and explores the failures of mankind and the potential to achieve greatness and inner-resolve through exploration and dedication to science. I admit, quality dropped in Trek during the last decade of the Berman era with tremendous failures with:
Star Trek Generations
Voyager (First 3 seasons)
Enterprise (First 3 seasons)
Wars appeals to a wider audience because it caters to the mythology of "Good Vs Evil", "Light vs Dark'', ''Chaos vs Order" which is a tale as old as time. To understand and love Trek, I feel you have to love STEM to a certain extent as the first 30 seconds of Data and Geordi talking about an improvised shield modulation will send the average viewer's attention to scrolling on their phone in today's climate. That's what I dislike about nuTrek, it has just turned into Die Hard with Transporters....Interestingly enough, the pace of Rogue One actually felt like an extended DS9 two-par
Imagine how lit SW message boards would be if TPM dropped today ha ha ha! You think Snyder had it bad for DCCEU? Hmm, GL had to take out Jar-Jar in AOTC because of the severe backlash he got way before Social Media took off like today.
The comparison isn't fair as one property is thousands of hours of character development on television compared to 7 movies that had 4 strong showings and 3 very questionable Godfather Part 3-type entries.
To sum it up:
If I want to look forward to the future and think about human potential, I just turn on BBC Network or Heroes Network and Trek it out....if I want to see space battles, clone armies, and lightsaber fights, SW it is....