You proved what? They charted higher? Rap hits are rap hits. Bone has one smash hit and a handful of rap hits.
Does Wu have any smash hits or rap hits for that matter

You proved what? They charted higher? Rap hits are rap hits. Bone has one smash hit and a handful of rap hits.
You proved what? They charted higher? Rap hits are rap hits. Bone has one smash hit and a handful of rap hits.
Does Wu have any smash hits or rap hits for that matter
Did some bozo just name drop ghetto cowboy in here!!!????
What was the white bone kids name again?
Wu doesn't have a song as big as crossroads. They also don't ave a hit as big as country grammar, can't touch this or regulate.
Connect the dots.
What they DO have is as many "rap hits" as bone. More if you include solo material which you have to do when discussing a one in a million anomaly like the illustrious, almighty Wu tang clan.
what part of not counting solo shyt dont u understand?