As 3cepts scream BAN HIM: Is Sony lying again? (Tru Story)

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Courtdog is the GOAT troll. You all fall for his shtick everytime. You're masochists. :heh:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
nikka, GTFOH!! You know damn well, you didn't actually read his post. He trolling like shyt.

Bruh, I know damn well you are an idiot who thinks everyone went to the same school you did

I seen the bumper sticker on the back of your moms station-wagon


Rice N Beans

Junior Hayley Stan
May 5, 2012
Chicago, IL
Non-story. Pretty sure Sony settled once they saw it'd be the cheaper way out like most other corporations who get sued. Also I'm sure that user data stuff is fluff.

A meager 250k fine in the end.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Non-story. Pretty sure Sony settled once they saw it'd be the cheaper way out like most other corporations who get sued. Also I'm sure that user data stuff is fluff.

A meager 250k fine in the end.

Why are you even fukking talking, shuddap :yayo:

"I'm sure, I'm sure"

I'm sure you have no idea wtf you are talking about. You definitely not talking about this threads topic. Lets get back to that, M'kay?
Cheaper way out? You mean after 2yrs :deadrose:

And the user data stuff is fluff you say? :usure:
Here is congress saying "Yo sony, let me holla @ you for a second"
US Congress Wants Answers From Sony on PlayStation Hack | PCWorld

From a different link, here's what questions congress posed..
-"When did you become aware of the illegal and unauthorized intrusion?"
--"How did you become aware of the breach?"
--"What information was obtained by the unauthorized individual(s) as a result of this breach, and how did you ascertain this information?"
--"How many PlayStation Network account holders provided credit card information to Sony Computer Entertainment?"
--"Please explain why you do not believe credit card information was obtained and why you cannot determine if the data was in fact taken."
See that last question, sony at this time was saying "We don't believe what we actually already know, but for PR reasons we'll play dumb for now. Our fanboys will support us anyway!!!
Cuz after congress got passed all the bullshyt?...

Sony responds to Congress: all 77 million PSN accounts compromised, finger pointed at Anonymous
The official PlayStation.Blog has the full English document up on Flickr for your perusal, and we'll warn you it's much the same tale -- Sony says all 77 million PSN and Qriocity accounts have had information stolen, but the company's still not sure exactly which pieces have gone missing
So as you can see, its "no, yall good" to "Well, we know they got in, but we don't know if they actually took anything"

:what: Thats all they needed to say, and its fanbase will just forgive and forget? Oh wait, we'll throw in LBP!!! and most ppl never looked back :facepalm:

But wait, there's MORE. In that last link, you see sony Blaming Anonymous for it. They stuck to that for a long minute. How they come to that conclusion I don't know. I heard about the "file" left behind :rudy:
Well this dude was responsible...
LulzSec Hacker Responsible For Sony Hack Gets A Year In Prison | WebProNews
So while sony is blaming Anonymous or saying "Uh, it may be an inside job" the truth of the matter is they had no fukking clue. And if you not sure still? Lets see what other countries had to say about it...

BBC News - Sony fined over 'preventable' PlayStation data hack
UK authorities said a hack in April 2011 "could have been prevented".

The ICO's report said technical developments had led to user passwords not being secure - leaving data such as names, addresses, dates of birth and payment card information at risk.
Sony executive vice president and Sony Computer Entertainment president Kazuo Hirai Sony executives made a public apology for the Playstation hack in May 2011

"If you are responsible for so many payment card details and log-in details then keeping that personal data secure has to be your priority,"

Sony has said it has rebuilt the PlayStation Network system to be more secure.

But the ICO said the fine reflected the severity of the security lapse, adding that it was among the most serious it had ever seen.

"There's no disguising that this is a business that should have known better," Mr Smith added.

"It is a company that trades on its technical expertise, and there's no doubt in my mind that they had access to both the technical knowledge and the resources to keep this information safe."

But wait, theres even more :damn:
Since the hack, which angered gamers who wanted to play over 2011's Easter weekend, Sony has said it has rebuilt the PlayStation Network system to be more secure.
And that is why PSN is now safe, because "Sony Said"
Like how september they say it Sony Claim PSN Has Improved After Hacking
Then once October comes around its
Sony Hack October 2011: Thousands Of PlayStation Network Accounts Targeted By Massive Attack
But what did experts have to say who seen sony's new setup?
Well here's what they had to say about the OLD setup first to show you the extent of the negligence
Experts on PSN Hack: Sony Could Have Done More | PCWorld

Then afterwards its clear they still don't give 2/10ths of a fukk

If you don't know, now you knooooooow!!!

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
It's not worth it anymore.
Mods on the payroll :bryan: watch me get hit with a warning for this :shaq2:

Bruh, I know I sonned the fukk outta your boy Beanz. So of course its not worth it anymore.

Let me tell you exactly what you did. You see all that info and you was like :patrice:
And even tho you KNOW its all "probably" killer info, because its not positive info about PS anything, you are mentally inclined to not read it. That way, it never happened :blessed:

You need to drop that bias, because it clouds your judgement. So your intelligence is limited to what that bias allows. Basically, think Slave Masters beating a nikka on a tree. Then later that day/week they go to church and be like "God, thank you for giving us a brand new shipment of nikka"
Having a bias can cloud your mind to anything. Word to L.Ron Hubcaps...


Jun 22, 2012
I think the point is that its hard to go from something that stupid to a network in the same league as xbox live. I wouldn't mind if they released some type of details. Even if they were just gonna lie. But as far as I know are going to get psn but get to pay for it this time.

Or are we paying for the security?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Sony fans use insults to deflect from the very real info in this thread. PSN has plenty of problems that are not being addressed or even acknowledged by Sony. It seems like you guys would want to talk about how Sony should/could improve PSN. But y'all would rather run around hating on Xbox than challenge Sony to do better.

:scusthov: at you stans

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Sony fans use insults to deflect from the very real info in this thread. PSN has plenty of problems that are not being addressed or even acknowledged by Sony. It seems like you guys would want to talk about how Sony should/could improve PSN. But y'all would rather run around hating on Xbox than challenge Sony to do better.

:scusthov: at you stans

If Xbox Live had security "Problems" and my info was stolen/etc?
I'd care. I'd care more about that than any game they announcing. Because whats the point if the game can't play because the network is down?
The lack of updating games, fixing glitches/etc. The report system supposedly being a joke (I never went that block route anywhere til recently on this site :blessed: )

But because of a console war, its odd that the ALL stand in unison to not ask questions about PSN. Its really strange, and adds validity that maybe somehow someway videogames are demonic. Not even joking when I say its the only logical conclusion I can come up with as for how/why they all act that way. shyt, The Coli is demonic for real... fanboys looking like butthurt zombies round dis bytch :damn:

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
whole gay clubs point doesn't hold much weight whenever you get the fukking chance yr in here talking about these systems like yr lfe depends on it

you make threads for attention, yr the fakkit in public who's trying to get attention for being a fakkit

go to fukking bed, go acknowledge yr kids, yr up all hours of the day just talking about video games in yr late 30's

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
whole gay clubs point doesn't hold much weight whenever you get the fukking chance yr in here talking about these systems like yr lfe depends on it

you make threads for attention, yr the fakkit in public who's trying to get attention for being a fakkit

go to fukking bed, go acknowledge yr kids, yr up all hours of the day just talking about video games in yr late 30's
Did you have fun with your demonic rant? Let me try...

The gay club angle holds so much weight that your stupid (I'm trying to sound like you here)

I'll stop right there. Look, pal. I make threads that are informative. As a consumer you should be aware of what this thread is talking about. Now if you and a bunch of other butthurt fakkits wanna cry about it :dahell: I'm gonna put you in your proper place every time.

Now what I choose to do with MY TIME is none of your concern. You want it to be because you want my attention. Your not my "kid" begging for attention (thats you guys go to insult) you just some loser on the internet who feels overprivileged to the point you think you even have input on what other ppl do with there time. And you seem to have an age limit in your mind. Yup kid, your so entitled to feel that way. But like Jigga said, we don't shoot at the same baskets. I've never seen your screenname before. So you a dumbass alias who wants to get at me sideways? I know how to handle chumps like you...


:blessed: Cant believe I waited all these years to do this!

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
Did you have fun with your demonic rant? Let me try...

The gay club angle holds so much weight that your stupid (I'm trying to sound like you here)

I'll stop right there. Look, pal. I make threads that are informative. As a consumer you should be aware of what this thread is talking about. Now if you and a bunch of other butthurt fakkits wanna cry about it :dahell: I'm gonna put you in your proper place every time.

Now what I choose to do with MY TIME is none of your concern. You want it to be because you want my attention. Your not my "kid" begging for attention (thats you guys go to insult) you just some loser on the internet who feels overprivileged to the point you think you even have input on what other ppl do with there time. And you seem to have an age limit in your mind. Yup kid, your so entitled to feel that way. But like Jigga said, we don't shoot at the same baskets. I've never seen your screenname before. So you a dumbass alias who wants to get at me sideways? I know how to handle chumps like you...


:blessed: Cant believe I waited all these years to do this!
lol yr a fukking clown. a fukking clown based off of yr TIME seems to be spent here like a fan boy when yr a grown fukking man.

the idea that you would put anyone in someone's place is humorous based off the fact that you basically live here and over privileged? :smugfavre: you revolve yr life around video game systems and some war that you created in yr mind along with the rest of these pieces of shyt in the arcadium.


Go spurs
May 26, 2012
Op is a fakkit with no life. Dude let's his seeds sleep on dirty shyt stained mattresses while he posts whole essays full of dedication to his beloved Xbox. pushing 40 and still on that bullshyt smh. Has yet to learn how to be a father.

Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2

Rice N Beans

Junior Hayley Stan
May 5, 2012
Chicago, IL
Why are you even fukking talking, shuddap :yayo:

"I'm sure, I'm sure"

I'm sure you have no idea wtf you are talking about. You definitely not talking about this threads topic. Lets get back to that, M'kay?
Cheaper way out? You mean after 2yrs :deadrose:

And the user data stuff is fluff you say? :usure:
Here is congress saying "Yo sony, let me holla @ you for a second"
US Congress Wants Answers From Sony on PlayStation Hack | PCWorld

From a different link, here's what questions congress posed..

See that last question, sony at this time was saying "We don't believe what we actually already know, but for PR reasons we'll play dumb for now. Our fanboys will support us anyway!!!
Cuz after congress got passed all the bullshyt?...

Sony responds to Congress: all 77 million PSN accounts compromised, finger pointed at Anonymous

So as you can see, its "no, yall good" to "Well, we know they got in, but we don't know if they actually took anything"

:what: Thats all they needed to say, and its fanbase will just forgive and forget? Oh wait, we'll throw in LBP!!! and most ppl never looked back :facepalm:

But wait, there's MORE. In that last link, you see sony Blaming Anonymous for it. They stuck to that for a long minute. How they come to that conclusion I don't know. I heard about the "file" left behind :rudy:
Well this dude was responsible...
LulzSec Hacker Responsible For Sony Hack Gets A Year In Prison | WebProNews
So while sony is blaming Anonymous or saying "Uh, it may be an inside job" the truth of the matter is they had no fukking clue. And if you not sure still? Lets see what other countries had to say about it...

BBC News - Sony fined over 'preventable' PlayStation data hack


But wait, theres even more :damn:

And that is why PSN is now safe, because "Sony Said"
Like how september they say it Sony Claim PSN Has Improved After Hacking
Then once October comes around its
Sony Hack October 2011: Thousands Of PlayStation Network Accounts Targeted By Massive Attack
But what did experts have to say who seen sony's new setup?
Well here's what they had to say about the OLD setup first to show you the extent of the negligence
Experts on PSN Hack: Sony Could Have Done More | PCWorld

Then afterwards its clear they still don't give 2/10ths of a fukk
Security Expert Says PSN Is Still Unsafe | PS3Hax Network

If you don't know, now you knooooooow!!!

:what: This is a whole lot of nothing which has very little to do with what I posted.

Yes after two years, why drag it on further when you could just eat the fine and keep it moving? MANY corporations do this. This is nothing new. The appeal process is basically a new case based on the old verdict and that's already one hump to jump on top of all new legal fees and whatnot.

Sony saying "oh we can't continue or we will jeopardize user data" is all fluff. They just need an excuse to bail them out.

So with me saying "yes Sony is lying about part B" you still try to find a way to spin it as promotional fanboy acceptance just goes to show you're not trying to make a point for the other side, rather you're just backing yourself up and pointing fingers with no argument or reason.

Was a nice try though, until you actually glossed over that my post more or less agreed with you. :youngsabo: