As 3cepts scream BAN HIM: Is Sony lying again? (Tru Story)

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
No really, Tru Story. There is a story today about how Sony has dropped its appeal to pay a fine for what happened during the PSN outage.
Now sony was sued by countries all over the world because 77million account information was stolen.

Well, they didn't get fined because it was stolen, they got fined because they waited a full week before they decide to tell anybody aka YOU & YOU & YOU (Story Tru)

As a person who hated PSN anyway, I was outraged personally when that truth came to light. Its odd it doesn't get talked about enough. Nobody cares they did that to us? Knowone? :hula:

So anyways, Sony makes a official response as for why they pulled out. Does it sound believable to you and why...

In a statement to CVG, Sony said it was abandoning its appeal not as an admission of guilt, but because to continue the dispute meant it would have to disclose sensitive data. "After careful consideration we are withdrawing our appeal," a Sony representative told CVG. "This decision reflects our commitment to protect the confidentiality of our network security from disclosures in the course of the proceeding. We continue to disagree with the decision on the merits."

Now where do I begin :snoop:

First off, why would it take til NOW for them to come to that conclusion.
Let me repeat that. Why would it take 2 full years for them to come to that conclusion? Wouldn't that be something they would know within minutes? Hours? How about a week since they didn't tell people shyt for that long. Like, what was going on for that week? (Nobody seems to know :manny: )

The bolded is why they got sued in the first place :what:

Anyone not too caught up in a fanboy war can see Sony is doing what Sony does best here. The truth is most likely they was losing the appeal
The one consistent thing I've seen from sony this entire year of 2013, is they still refuse to be honest about anything. Because of this, I have no faith in PSN 2.0
They can't just fukk shyt up, then not tell anyone how they plan to fix it, then show what they did.
Its been nothing but secrets and silence. Sony is acting like PSN was this protected fortress :stopitslime:
And to explain why they didn't tell consumers immediately once they found out could somehow jeopardize the new improved PSN :wtf:

Sounds like they using the same system as before with I guess some bullshyt improvements instead of an overhaul which was needed. I truly just expected them to do a much better job, especially if they gonna charge for online gaming. I expected it. You expected it. But I wouldn't be surprised if they continued handling business like they have in the past. It looks like that will be the case at least entering this new gen. Discuss...

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Ain't nobody got time to read all of that. I'm not talking about the validity of his points, he's just annoying in general.

Your words hold plenty of weight seeing that you are here just to cry like some annoying little fakkit with no merit. If your words were true, you wouldn't be here.

I've used this analogy back on SOHH...

If you hate gay people, do you go to gay bars to voice your opinion about that?
You be in Gay Clubs "Sensitive" Blake?
You be chillin, some dude comes up to you like "Hey Sensitive Blake, you wanna dance?" and you be like "Ewwww I hate gay people they so annoying"

Whatchu doing in a gay club in the first place?

*Ends analogy*

Whatchu doing in this thread for if that's how you feel? :popcorn:
And I'm the annoying one? :laff: How about you log off

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang

Christopher, tell us why bruh. Why :umad:
You shouldn't, but you COULD go into literally every single thread and pose that question.

I got a question too. Why do YOU CARE what I CARE ABOUT? (Didn't realize I had to have a vested care, I'll check the forum policy on that)
I'd rather care about stuff than to care what other people care about stuff. Thats a whole lot worse and 3cepts in particular are often guilty of that. Get off MY dikk :hula: For me, I love that PS4 cockmeat sandwich they serving for dinner :eat:

Now real talk, why do I care? Is that a real question :mindblown:
I'm basically showing you how PSN is not going to have this major overhaul OR sony is just flat out lying once again. Who is affected by these lies?
We are.. YOU, your friends, family if they have PS systems, everyone in here who has both systems. You saying you don't care that sony waited a week to say anything, basically giving hackers a week headstart on your info.
See, you wasn't affected. You didn't have to cancel credit cards, go threw a bunch of hastle with your credit card companies, or go a week waiting for a replacement card to come in the mail. Thats why this isn't shyt to you cuz you.... well, you telling on yourself. But this isn't about you, you don't even care so as you scream BAN HIM!!!! I'll continue to talk about topics you guys REFUSE to even acknowledge exist :ufdup:


cruising at 30,000
May 1, 2012
the best coast
how/why do u make such long posts consistently? :what:

i mean its gotta take so much time for you to think about all that shyt and write it :why:

is this what u do all day? :whoo:

so many questions :whew:
May 3, 2012
St louis
make this man a Mod!

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
how/why do u make such long posts consistently? :what:

i mean its gotta take so much time for you to think about all that shyt and write it :why:

is this what u do all day? :whoo:

so many questions :whew:
I tell you what, I'll answer those questions if/when you talk about the topic of this thread
If you can't do that, I have to ask you politely to leave :shake:

Or you can end up like Mad who, I can't believe he lasted this long...

:blessed: Now I no longer have to read his cries for my attention :heh: