ARTICLE: "Time for old black leadership to resign"


Hate is Rising, Love is Dying....
Jul 27, 2012
Atlanta, Ga

Time For Old Black Leadership To Resign


Media appointed “Black leaders” has got to go

AFRICANGLOBE– In response to Rev. Jesse Jackson article entitled “ Now It Is Baltimore ” written on April 28, 2015 in The Chicago Sun Times, I suggest that he and every other Old Black Leader should resign, because the current condition of Black African Americans is a direct result of their poor leadership. They have failed to produce a plan for our uplift and empowerment. They have served as the “ straw bosses ” serving us up ( votes ) election after election, while living high off the hog from donations to their organizations, speaking fees and conferences. I personally have contacted Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Organizations offering solutions like The Quiet Resolution ( TQR, Inc. ) and other civil rights organizations, including Black Elected Politicians and Preachers to discuss solutions without a response. They ignore those of us offering national solutions.

They have violated our trust. “ Black Faces In High Places ” from The White House to the local Church have completely failed to uplift and empower us, but instead, they have helped to maintain Black African Americans in our current conditions. They show up when a tragedy happens for the cameras, town hall meeting and to call for calm, but disappear back into the holes they hide in the rest of the time. It is time that they all resign and allow others with the moral courage to step up to lead our people in the 21st Century as they once did during the 20th Century.

Proposed Solutions:

1.The Implementation of The Quiet Resolution, The Nation of Islam Economic Empowerment Plan and Dr. Claude Anderson’s PowerNomics Plan.

2.The Training of 5 Million Black African American Men and Women in Trades like Constructions, Masonry, Plumbing, Electricians, Heating and Cooling System, Renewable Energy Installation ( Solar Panels, Wind Turbines ), Communication Technicians, Electricity Linesmen, Carpentry, Asphalt and Concrete and Manufacturing. Outreach and recruit ex-felons, current and past gang members with disqualifying barriers.

3.Create 1 Million New Black African American Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Inventors, and Innovators with an eco-system that recruits, trains, funds and supports them with the goal of creating 20 million new jobs in technology, manufacturing, aerospace, transportation, travel, agriculture, energy, clean water and sewage plants.

4.The Creation a new national political party that train leaders with a focus on providing solutions to Americans that are transparent, just, fair, compassionate and based on integrity. No more empty promises and great speeches without policies that improve the conditions of our people.

5.The Creation of a voluntary Self-Group Tax to fund Universal Head Start ( Infants to 5 ), New Elementary(6-9 ), Middle ( 10-12) Junior High ( 13-14 ) and High Schools ( 15-18 ).

6.Demand that President Obama sign an Executive Order cutting federal funding to all law enforcement agencies found guilty by the US Justice Department of violating the Civil and Human Rights of Black African Americans.

7.Vote to change city’s constitutions to require the election of Police Chiefs with their own separate budgets, so they no longer can be used as “ The Muscle ” that targets the poor, when leaders fail to address their social and economic needs. Elected Police Chief can then be held accountable and to a higher standard, like county Sheriffs.

Some Black African Americans are comfortable with our current conditions of high poverty, high unemployment, mass incarceration, high infant mortality, lack of access to federal, state, county and city contracts, violence, poor schools and graduation rates. They fear what will happen if they decide to dream and hope for a better life. We must create a culture where we are not afraid to do what is right for ourselves, our children, our community, our people and our nation. Asking our failed leaders to step aside may be painful for some of us and them, but it’s the first step toward our uplift and empowerment.

We must decide to no longer be for political sale. We must no longer accept the guidance of religious leaders who are unwilling to risk their own lives for our uplift and empowerment. The new test of leadership must require sacrifice and if necessary their life as Dr. Martin L. King, Malcolm X and Medgar Evers did. Those unwilling to lead, must learn to follow, get out the way or be removed by “ Any Means Necessary “. The suffering of Black African Americans will no longer be acceptable and ignored by politicians, preachers, teachers, social worker, administrators and police. It’s time to stop hoping for change and make it happen.

By: Charles E. Campbell
It will happen...I can see it occuring already


May 9, 2015
Who are the white leaders?
Who are the Asian leaders?
Who are the Latino Leaders?

We need Less black spokesmen, and more of EVERY black person taking on leadership roles and or following a code.
I'm personally not interested in anyone else to see who their leadership is, maybe you waste your time wondering that. As for me I'll keep looking for black leadership that I feel personify my familial circumstance and struggle.

I am the black leader in my home so i'm not searching for that.

Should mlk have stayed in his home when he had such a way with words, did he first ask himself who are the asian and white leaders?

Ofc he instilled values in his home and community but he was blessed with the words and power with to move past that, and he did in a monumental way.

Wtf is your point? We shouldn't expect leadership? I DON'T! But don't tell me wtf I should hope for, pretending like strong moral black leaders are a unicorn myth.

I've seen unicorns and omg are they beautiful.


Jan 17, 2013
You guys gotta stop using that example :snoop:
:aicmon:Who do they parade out to speak for them? Other Races Assume leadership roles, and the followers will follow; Other races don't elect them. A black leader is the only time blacks have a vote of opinion


May 9, 2015
:aicmon:Who do they parade out to speak for them? Other Races Assume leadership roles, and the followers will follow; Other races don't elect them. A black leader is the only time blacks have a vote of opinion
Don't be ridiculous, they don't really have leaders either, they all just already agree mostly gun rights, and f*ck everyone, brown is bad, and "tv learns us bout the world yall"

They used to all hate each other irish, italians etc

But they've banded together fo the greater good in their opinion, and we should do the same right?

Instead of people sayin nope you don't look enough like us, who the hell will bring us together? MLK didn't even have twitter, and we need our leaders the same way any race needs them, just because they don't start out in political official doesn't mean shyt.

Barack obama although I love him has done alot less to promote black people as any other black leader even crappy ass mf cheatin ass jesse jackson, most black women turn the other cheek on that topic, as will I no worth my time.

Long story short lol, young people need to see more black people on tv not athletes rappers etc trying to sell liquor and promote drug use.

It doesn't ven have to be a leader just the same time on air a good and moral way to live life


May 9, 2015
Time been past due. Not 100% behind these billionaire funded replacements either.
ikr we need some smart guys and girls w.o tha extreme thirst for power and money, idek where to start, but marc hill has made a great impression on me so far