In so many words: yes.
A circus to defame his character and destroy his legacy.
Thats not all. pay attention. its a circus on the criminal side to setup the CIVIL SUITS. yall gotta pay attention. There was never a criminal case. so that made the burden of proof for any civil suits to heavy for any of the ladies to get bill on anything. which would mean they would lose a civil case.
but now that you have this. it makes it lighter, meaning the women have to prove a lot less. since just a mere criminal case(bs or not) can open you up for a Loss in a Civil Suit. Civil suits are not like criminal cases where its beyond a shadow of a doubt or reasonable doubt. which ever it is.
civl is = if its more likely true than not. then you win the case if you're going after someone.
that means if you feel the case is 60% true vs the 40% you dont. that 10 over the 50. breaks the tie and thats it. bill pays up.
in a criminal case. it cant be 60/40. thats not enough. it has to be some where around 85% chance or higher.