blathering blatherskite!
『ARMORED CORE VI』にマルチプレイ要素はありますか?
Will there be multiplayer elements in "ARMORED CORE VI"?
Yamamura: Regarding multiplayer, I'm thinking mainly about battle mode. Just like the past games in the series, I think you'll be able to have fun by colliding with each other as well as showing off the unit you've built yourself.
On the other hand, regarding the main story mode, co-op play is not included in order to emphasize things such as dynamic action, free-running of machines, and changes occuring during missions. We are focusing on a rich experience that can only be achieved in single player.
『ARMORED CORE VI』はソウルライクではない、トラディショナルな「アーマード・コア」新作!? 開発者ロングインタビュー
「ARMORED COREの新作を作ることには大きな意味があると考えていました」