it's easy to say mean things in a forum post and completely gloss over the fact that after all the sit-ins, civil rights marches, the condition of Black people in America is terrible in 2014.
We have no leaders, the children have no racial pride, the adults have no racial pride and very little consciousness of the condition we're collectively in, our culture is poisonous, our families and communities are dysfunctional, our women are heavily dependent on government, our men are incarcerated at ridiculous rates, and everyone turns a blind eye and points to the fact that I can sit in an air conditioned room using internet to speak about it, as if the fact that we have all these luxuries our ancestors didn't, automatically puts us in a better position. We have all these things, but what are Black people doing with them?
What are Black people doing with all the technology they have at their fingertips on their smartphones?
Twerking for instagram, making Black babies curse and dance and behave like adults on Vine, post fistfulls of cash, expose Black womens nude bodies on instagram for recognition from other dysfunctional Black males. the list can go on for days.
I appreciate that our brothers and sisters died to make our lives more comfortable, but look at us, comfortable as ever and living collectively in utter destruction.