Arian Foster is he being serious, claims NFL is scripted.


Mar 11, 2022
Damn I forgot this shyt happened this year, I could’ve sworn this happened a couple years ago


Nov 21, 2013
Top notch commercial :mjlol:

But the NFL is a billion dollar industry. It’s definitely manipulated in a way to maximize profits


Feb 12, 2013
Top notch commercial :mjlol:

But the NFL is a billion dollar industry. It’s definitely manipulated in a way to maximize profits

I'm as big of a conspiracy theorist as you'll find on this site, and there is no conceivable way that the outcome of professional sports games/what you see on the field is rigged.
It's just not good business, because if it was uncovered, their profits would nose dive.
Where it IS rigged is everything that happens between the final whistle of the Super Bowl and the opening kick off of week 1.
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Owners kind of... determine which teams will contend, or need to contend, to maximize profits in the coming year, and the offseason plays out accordingly.
That's why owners have the final say in the draft, after they have scouts and GM's flying around the world to find talent for 12 months.
Those scouts think they're doing a job for, say, the Buffalo Bills.
In reality, those scouts are doing a job for the NFL.
The owners get together with all of that info, from hundreds of scouts working for 30 teams, and build a composite draft board.
They have a damn good idea that Josh Allen is going to be great.
They use their media apparatus to paint the picture that "well, he's raw, there's a lot of questions here," but really, they know from interviews, metrics, IQ testing, and the like, that he's going to be a damn good prospect.
Maybe they can't say he's going to end up being top 3 in the league, but they can damn sure reach a consensus that he's the best QB in the draft.
Buf needs a new stadium, but they've been dogshyt for 20 years running.
He magically falls to Buf, and now they're elite, and on prime time 5x a year, and voila--WNY taxpayers are buying a new stadium.
Their schedule is modified accordingly.
Used to be they'd get bent over and rammed raw, playing more teams coming off a bye week than anyone in the league.
Now they have favorable schedules: home games in January vs. passing teams, no back to back to back road games, etc.
Free agency and trades are the same.
Rams need a spark in LA?
How about they get an elite QB from Detroit.
It's ridiculous to think that they would rig the games on the field, when they can stack the deck instead.
From there, it really and truly doesn't matter who "wins" or "loses" the "game."
Buf has a reason to be on prime time 10x a year now.
They might win the Super Bowl, they might not, but they're good enough to contend, and no matter what the results are, their media apparatus can tell a story about them that draws eyes. shyt, if they lose, they can talk about the 90s Bills choking too. And if they win, they can talk about how the curse of the 90s Bills is gone.
swy the big market teams are always good--they might never win a Super Bowl, but you can be damn sure they'll be in the conversation.