I can't believe what I just saw. Is there no originality in Hollywood anymore. Prometheus is a complete rip-off of the old Manga the Guyver.
I just don't like how they took the main setting and premise of the Guyver and really just kind of threw into the Alien franchise.
Setting of the Guyver:
1)Aliens created all life on Earth as a Bio-mechanical weapon to use in some sort of on going war with another species. We're never told the details.
2)Aliens wore a Bio-mechanical exo-suit, which is what the Guyver Armor is. The suit was used just a normal gear for day-to-day operations by the creators.
3) The Aliens found that turning the Humans into Monsters greatly enhanced the Combat operating effectiveness of the humans. And the plan was to turn all humans into Zombie-like monsters.
as prometheus:
The Engineers created life on earth as an experimental weapon. They probably did this in multiple planets. They then discovered the xenomorph bio technology and realized that the xenomorph took on qualities of the host, and could enhance the combat effectiveness of the host population by turning them into monsters.
The technology was perfected on that remote outpost seen in the movie, and the plan was to flood the earth with the Xenomorph tech and convert life on earth to a more battle-ready form. Hosts animals would be made more effective with zombification process, and they would have variety of Xenomorphs from which select.
I bet they found out that the best Xenomorph was actually made from their own kind, and humans, being so similar to them, would actually be a more viable alternative. they didn't want to sacrifice their own kind and humans were plentiful, so it was the best option.
But the plan failed, and the outpost went dark. The Engineers found some other host population, and manufactured the Xenomorphs we saw in the Alien, and the Ship found in Alien was a type of bomber or Xenomorph deployment ship.