Are you ready for Prometheus???!!???


King Of Kings.
May 29, 2012
Thanks for this post because now I'm positive that you're a clown. Her religious beliefs were discussed throughout the entire fukking movie. :laugh:

Well i didn't notice because i was too busy laughing at the dialogue it was that fukkin awful and cringeworthy dipshyt. even people in the cinema were laughing at scenes.

But that was one of many things wrong with this movie. Its great to look at yes! but once you get pass the visual theres nothing there.

I am a hugh Alien fan and im this just showed me nobody knows how to make Sci-Fi movies anymore its a lost art. This movie could have been amazing with so many ideas they could have run with but as usual they fukk it up and pay a overrated jewish hack to write the movie. smh


Staff member
May 1, 2012
Also when Shaw all of sudden becomes a strong believer in GOD by the end of the movie came out of nowhere and made no sense.

by the end of this movie after all the laughable bullshyt i already seen they had the nerve to rub in are faces the horseshyt that is theism.



She always believed in God.

Were you paying attention?


May 3, 2012
movie was great but I can see how it's going to divide people

I'd tell anyone to keep their expectations in check because if you're expecting to see Alien ver. 2012 it's not that type of party.

but IMO they are definitely setting the stage for a 'grander' universe in the Alien mythos and this was just the starting point for it.


"Big things have small beginnings.."

Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team
After sleeping on it and reading some stuff I definitively enjoy the movie more, in hindsight. Truthfully this is one of those movies where you are better off reading the spoilers. That way you know the thought process going into the movie and can form a better impression.


May 13, 2012
Got a better explanation for it that might be a bit helpful

Ridley Scott’s Prometheus explained (SPOILER WARNING) - Following The Nerd
After David opened the chamber door, he atmosphericly compromised the room’s air which had been sealed for around 2000 years (we know this because they carbon dated the headless body by about 2000 years). Fresh air caused the murals on the wall to degrade and the temperature difference of the fresh air caused the canisters to sweat, like when you put ice in a glass of water. This also had an effect on the biological liquids in the canisters, causing them to start expanding (liquids can expand when the temperature radically canges).
When David first walks into the chamber, we see (although none of the crew notice) that he disturbs some form of larvae on the ground (they come up from under the ground after he steps on it). These are most likely left over from the space jockey head left in the room (these may also be what causes the head to explode later during the examination, but that’s a whole other topic). The black liquid in the canisters is a bio weapon, from what I understood in the murals we saw in the walls, the main one showed the alien xenomorph at it’s centre, suggesting that the biological black liquid is designed to grow into the alien xenomorph – each canister when activated will become one alien drone, most likely a soldier that can NOT reproduce (otherwise there would be no way to control them once the space jockeys have unleashed them on their target, the xenomorph would NOT be capable of implanting an embryo in another being). The black liquid though, because it does create a living organism from nothing, would have to contain some kind of advanced steroid that affects biological matter in order to create a life form.
When the black liquid pools on the ground, the larvae we saw on the ground began to bathe in it and feed on it. As a result, it bioformed them as it’s capable of doing, the end result being an agressive more advanced worm creature, the creatures encountered by Fifield and Millburn. When the creature sprays acid on Fifield’s helmet it begins to melt it. Fifield then falls into the black liquid, but when he stands the helmet has been melted enough that it collapses inwards. The mixture of melted helmet and the black liquid burns into his face, causing him to pass out, falling face first into the black liquid, where it begins to biologically change him as it did the larvae worms.

Meanwhile, Holloway, who has ingested a single drop of the black liquid, has been undergoing internal changes. As he ingested it, and only in*a small amount, his change has taken more time, working more subtly, changing his internal organs first including his reproductive system. Because of this, and unawares to either of them, he impregnates Shaw with an embryo that is human based, but has been part changed by the black liquid. Holloway begins to suffer radical changes with the black liquid changing him into a xenomorph drone. He’s not as far along as Fifield when we last see him, and his behavour and mind has not been changed yet when he sacrifices himself.

The real surprise is that because the creature that Shaw gives birth to is a hybrid of human and xenomorph genetics, it contains all of the genetic traits of the xenomorphs, intelligence, aggression, but it now also contains in some form, a reproductive system, meaning that it is able to implant an embryo in a being (as we see at the movie’s end), which it will take traits from and evolve into the xenomorph we know.

Very interesting regarding the reproductive system and the bio-liquid. But it seems as it doesn't directly correlate in it turning beings into xenos (fifield just turns into some extreme creature). Also, I wonder what the deal is with the large green "crystal" like substance that Holloway sees when looking at the xenomorph" mural on the wall? Could this just be an attempt by the Space Jockeys to recreate the xenos?


Da Spice...
May 1, 2012
Okay i saw it today. I'd be lying if i said i wasn't a tad bit disappointed. Movie was visually beautiful. Da landscapes, scale of everything n all dat. Just dope design all around. But it def sort of fell a lil flat towards da end. But it's still def goin into my DVD collection no doubt. :yes:

Right when ol girl did surgery on herself n then found Wyland's old ass still alive on da ship to me is when everything sort of clusterfukked itself. :(

And another part dat had me a bit :what::rudy: :

Now ol girl n Fassbender found another ship and flew off.....Why didn't they run into da same kinda fukked up shyt dey found on da first ship? Was there no more of dem "creators" in hyper sleep on da other one as well? :wtf:


May 1, 2012
I love how she did that INVASIVE procedure to remove a fetus that apparently wasn't in the uterus....

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
Got a better explanation for it that might be a bit helpful

Ridley Scott’s Prometheus explained (SPOILER WARNING) - Following The Nerd
After David opened the chamber door, he atmosphericly compromised the room’s air which had been sealed for around 2000 years (we know this because they carbon dated the headless body by about 2000 years). Fresh air caused the murals on the wall to degrade and the temperature difference of the fresh air caused the canisters to sweat, like when you put ice in a glass of water. This also had an effect on the biological liquids in the canisters, causing them to start expanding (liquids can expand when the temperature radically canges).
When David first walks into the chamber, we see (although none of the crew notice) that he disturbs some form of larvae on the ground (they come up from under the ground after he steps on it). These are most likely left over from the space jockey head left in the room (these may also be what causes the head to explode later during the examination, but that’s a whole other topic). The black liquid in the canisters is a bio weapon, from what I understood in the murals we saw in the walls, the main one showed the alien xenomorph at it’s centre, suggesting that the biological black liquid is designed to grow into the alien xenomorph – each canister when activated will become one alien drone, most likely a soldier that can NOT reproduce (otherwise there would be no way to control them once the space jockeys have unleashed them on their target, the xenomorph would NOT be capable of implanting an embryo in another being). The black liquid though, because it does create a living organism from nothing, would have to contain some kind of advanced steroid that affects biological matter in order to create a life form.
When the black liquid pools on the ground, the larvae we saw on the ground began to bathe in it and feed on it. As a result, it bioformed them as it’s capable of doing, the end result being an agressive more advanced worm creature, the creatures encountered by Fifield and Millburn. When the creature sprays acid on Fifield’s helmet it begins to melt it. Fifield then falls into the black liquid, but when he stands the helmet has been melted enough that it collapses inwards. The mixture of melted helmet and the black liquid burns into his face, causing him to pass out, falling face first into the black liquid, where it begins to biologically change him as it did the larvae worms.

Meanwhile, Holloway, who has ingested a single drop of the black liquid, has been undergoing internal changes. As he ingested it, and only in*a small amount, his change has taken more time, working more subtly, changing his internal organs first including his reproductive system. Because of this, and unawares to either of them, he impregnates Shaw with an embryo that is human based, but has been part changed by the black liquid. Holloway begins to suffer radical changes with the black liquid changing him into a xenomorph drone. He’s not as far along as Fifield when we last see him, and his behavour and mind has not been changed yet when he sacrifices himself.

The real surprise is that because the creature that Shaw gives birth to is a hybrid of human and xenomorph genetics, it contains all of the genetic traits of the xenomorphs, intelligence, aggression, but it now also contains in some form, a reproductive system, meaning that it is able to implant an embryo in a being (as we see at the movie’s end), which it will take traits from and evolve into the xenomorph we know.
This is great.


Duck Season
May 2, 2012
Los Scandalous
Okay i saw it today. I'd be lying if i said i wasn't a tad bit disappointed. Movie was visually beautiful. Da landscapes, scale of everything n all dat. Just dope design all around. But it def sort of fell a lil flat towards da end. But it's still def goin into my DVD collection no doubt. :yes:

Right when ol girl did surgery on herself n then found Wyland's old ass still alive on da ship to me is when everything sort of clusterfukked itself. :(

And another part dat had me a bit :what::rudy: :

Now ol girl n Fassbender found another ship and flew off.....Why didn't they run into da same kinda fukked up shyt dey found on da first ship? Was there no more of dem "creators" in hyper sleep on da other one as well? :wtf:

more :duck:
but to work withing the extreme unbelievability..
they coulda just went straight to the cockpit, stabbed up any sleeping giants, then bounced, as long as they avoid disturbing the atmosphere in those freezer chambers, they shoulda be good


Da Spice...
May 1, 2012
more :duck:
but to work withing the extreme unbelievability..
they coulda just went straight to the cockpit, stabbed up any sleeping giants, then bounced, as long as they avoid disturbing the atmosphere in those freezer chambers, they shoulda be good


But my whole thing was if dem giant mufukkas was trynna merk mankind off (especially when dat last one went ape shyt killin everybody who woke his ass up) then her goin to they fukkin home world would be suicide right? :childplease:

Oh and dat shyt dat happened in da beginning. Was dat some kind of self sacrifice in order to create life on dat planet or somethin? At least dat's whay conclusion i got from it. :manny:


No nice guys in boxing
May 5, 2012
I liked the ambiguity of the "2000 years ago" situation. They said the incident with the Engineers getting killed at that temple was around that far back, and right before they were apparently on their way to wipe humans out. So why kills us all? Why did they change their mind?

What major event comes to mind when you think of what happened on Earth 2000 years ago? I don't think they wanted to spell it out and piss off religious groups but.....anyone else think the Engineers were pissed at us cause they sent one of their own (or their creation) to try and help us along and we crucified him? Space Jesus :birdman:

Maybe they saw us getting increasingly violent and decided to try one last time to straighten us out. Obviously we then went ahead and killed the "savior" and the Engineers said "fukk it they aint never gonna learn and if they ever get spaceflight they are gonna continue this violent shyt and maybe eventually kill US." When that dude woke up he must have been like ":ooh: these dudes were riding camels when i went to sleep, now they at my front door with a spaceship!"

yeah i watched it again and

i realized that there is no reason to actually think that the engineers wanted to destroy humans or even hated humans in any way. when david the andriod is asked to speak to the re awakned engineer we have no way of knowing what he actually said to it. judging by the way the engineer only showed any hostility after david says something to him there is reason to assume that he said something inflammatory to it to make it think it was being threatened. remember that david is who poisoned holloway with black goo, attempted to prevent shaw from removing the baby that was in her, and said it was ok to breathe in the pyramid when they came back to re awaken the engineer despite the danger of being exposed to any black goo

actually the engineers show no reason that they were even going to attack earth. there isnt anything that in any remote way even suggests that. its actually just shaw who says that they are to the crew after the engineer attacked them and they then believe what she is saying and choose to ram the engineer ship to prevent it from what they presumably think is an attack mission to earth. but there is no way to actually know that. they just assumed it from the hostility of the engineer. thats actually the only reason that even exists that shows an example of engineers not being friendly to humans. the rest of the examples show engineers visiting earth and co existing peacefully with humans. there is even a reason to think an engineer ritualistically sacrificed himself on earth just to create us.

the whole movie therefore takes a sharp turning point right when david speaks to the engineer. if you removed that event your space jesus theory or any theory that suggests engineers want to hurt humans falls apart


Da Spice...
May 1, 2012
What the fukk was the point of David giving tht one nikka the black shyt?

Yeah i didn't understand dat shyt at all either. Not sure what purpose it served other than to see what would happen i guess? I dunno. :manny: