doesnt see boyz n the hood 

why? the searchers is super classic
Maybe I need to watch it again man
I don't think I would ever put Eyes Wide Shut or Thelma & Louise on a list of the Tp 100 movies.
25th Hour isn't even Spike's best movie.
Tree of Life was a pretentious borefest.
It's not even Top 5 of Spike's movies.Spikes best movie is well repped breh
Yeah, outside of the for some reason still massively overrated The Searchers that's a pretty unfukkwithable Top 5. Citizen Kane on top where it belongs, The Godfather is that big universal classic, Vertigo has always been my favorite Hitchcock and 2001 shyts on every wannabe realistic science fiction movie to this very day.
Many a Sunday was spent wit my pops watching the searchers. It's a good flick brehs. Poorly made. ExplainIts just a poorly made movie and also racist.
Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back are both top fiveBeing iconic doesn't mean they're better than that top 25 breh. Star was is or titanic or wizard of oz better than Do the right thing?:isthatall: better yet, name me three you'd take out of the top 25 for those three
Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back are both top five