Remember when Sasha Banks was talking about watching the WWE Network to see Mick Foley's Hell in the Cell match to get into that mode

? Like no sort of identity nowadays.
Like wrestlers back in the days had background tropes that work with the character. Vader coming out of nowhere just to murder wrestlers because he was from the Rocky Mountains. Sabu letting the scars from his matches tell the story of how psychotic he really is.
Now we get "omg, like omg I wanted to be a wrestler since I saw Hulk Hogan lolz and tee hee hee, I want to be the best

I give it to the new NXT. Even though I won't watch that shyt if you had a Jigsaw shotgun trap to my dome, at least they realize this mark shyt is getting corny and redundant by giving wrestlers actual backgrounds and fukkery storylines.