That's how alot of Saudis look.
You'll be surprised traveling in Arabia how many people are black and/or look partially black. The pale skin Arab is a minority. Most got a similar look to American mulattos like Drake and Patrick Mahomes.
This is not true.
This is not true.
Biblically it is. Egypt and Nubia were sons of Ham. While the Arabs and Hebrews were sons of Shem. In the Bible, Hebrews like Moses and Joseph were commonly mistaken for Egyptians. That means the sons of Shem and Ham must have both looked the same.
Unless you believe the Ancient Nubians and Egyptians weren't black, then that means the Arabs and Jews were also originally black.
It is
Biblically it is. Egypt and Nubia were sons of Ham. While the Arabs and Hebrews were sons of Shem. In the Bible, Hebrews like Moses and Joseph were commonly mistaken for Egyptians. That means the sons of Shem and Ham must have both looked the same.
Unless you believe the Ancient Nubians and Egyptians weren't black, then that means the Arabs and Jews were also originally black.
Can you refute?Can you provide evidence for your claim?
Can you refute?
How can I refute when there’s no evidence to refute?
(I’m still waiting on you)
Can you stop posting Canaanite fairy tales?
Can you provide evidence for your claim?
I'm not using the Bible to claim Moses and Noah actually existed. Instead I'm using the Bible to show you how people in the past viewed the relationships between one another. If the writers of the Bible grouped Egypt and Nubia as siblings then it stands to reason the people's of those two lands must have looked similar. Also if those same writers said that Hebrews like Moses and Joseph could pass as Egyptians then the sons of Shem must have looked similar to the sons of Ham as well.
I don't know why you can't use simple reasoning skills. If the ancient world keeps telling us the Ancient Hebrews and Ancient Egyptians were indistinguishable from one another as well as telling us the Ancient Egyptians were black. Then obviously the Ancient Hebrews were also black. And if the Ancient Hebrews were black then their siblings the Ancient Arabs must have also been black.
Also all these people lived in the same part of the world thus it stands to reason they looked alike.
Well firstly the language group is Afro-Asiatic which basically implies a group who have African and Asiatic origins, Berber Omotic Chadic Cushytic are the other languages in this group, Chadic(people from Niger Nigeria Chad etc) Omotic(Ethiopians) Cushytic(Ethiopians) Egyptian Berber and Semitic.
If I told you the original Somalians or the original Ethiopians or even Egyptians were black you would have no argument... The language cluster denotes a shared heritage, original Arabs are black people from the Yemen, and if you go Yemen even today you see people who would described as Black in the modern sense still there till this day, I used to date a girl from there and she looks no different from a Somalian or Ethiopian who they also have a shared history with.
It’s literally an Afro Asiatic language afterall, with emphasis on the Afro part.