30000 is a lot of deaths but just for reference
Battle of Manila (1945) - Wikipedia
100k from one battle and this isnt the only example.
War has an ability to always be worse and it doesn't always need to go nuclear.
People love hyperbole as it relates to modern tragedies and they convince themselves whatever it is is the worse it ever been, when a brief glance of history proves otherwise. I don't know why people do this. Maybe it's a weird form of trauma porn
Total eradication is definitely worse. Trump is likely to sign off on this for Israel. But whatever some people refuse to look at things beyond their nose. The dude is intent on installing a far right dictatorship, here in the US, where these people live, and getting rid of all types of mechanism that at least on paper supposed to keep him in check. But Muslims, who the right has demonized forever, think he can be counted on once back in office? Idiotic.
We actually seen this story before. The stupid hurts my brain.
Good luck to them.