
Just a response to an extremest who the mods let get the last word in before closing replies to the thread.
Wow okay here's an idea if you want to talk about the specifics in black on black crime why don't you touch on the fact that black males account over a million of the two million something people convicted in the United states and that accounts for all races mind you this number represents jail and prison. Take into account the number of blacks killed by other blacks. And you think a 5 percent mortality rate isn't high in terms of a race of people, need I remind you that out of all races in the u.s. blacks are only about 13 percent? That's the third least in the country. Take 5 percent from the manority total of blacks from each state and realize what you're saying that 5 percent is a large chunk out of our population which is already the minority to start with. No you're wrong the majority of black people from balantant observation are not productive and do no good for America as a whole. And understand this when I call you an extremist I'm referring to your mentality. With you and most of the people on this site it's either one extreme or the other three is no middle ground. It's not one of those things where you just go like "look, let's try and communicate in an actual linear and productive fashion and actually adress the issue at hand" but it's more of "damn these cacs I can't stand em, they the reason for all my problems and I can't see shyt wrong with the black community cause we just perfect lil Angels." Now granted no race is perfect but African Americans are by far the worse to each other and other races. Also let it be known you don't critique black people , ever judging from the nonsense you continuously post you black white people for the self destructive bahavior of blacks. Everytime I bring up black issues you site white supremacy in freaking 2015 which is not only cluth but ridiculous. The problem isn't white supremacy it's black jnferiority. The majority strive for nothing yet demand everything and when they realize they have nothing they claim whites for all of their problems. You do advocate black supremacy you don't have to say it directly your message comes across blatantly clear through everything you post only thing is you inadvertently promote the distractions of blacks by enabling their bull shyt. Lol Black on black crimes happen because blacks feed into their own ignorance and hatred for one neither its due to a lack of contempt for human life that most black men appearently share. Now if you feel the need to throw some unsupported conspiracy the root out there then it's best you do so, just let it be known that you're only harming the impressionable and I won't be swayed by any illogical nonsense.