Until the iPad, tablets were big and bulky and for the most part, slow. They were basically exactly what you would find on a desktop PC, but in tablet form. Square peg in a round hole. That's why tablets never took off.
Why would you not want exactly what you find in desktop PC in tablet form? That's the entire point of having a tablet
You once again prove you don't know the difference between INNOVATE and INVENT. Nobody said Apple invented the touchscreen. But show me a tablet that multi-touch, swiping capabilities, pinch to zoom, etc. before the iPad? It didn't exist. That's called INNOVATING.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Asus-T91MT-PU17-BK-8-9-Inch-Netbook-Computer/dp/B002UAR8SK]Amazon.com: Asus Eee PC T91MT-PU17-BK 8.9-Inch Intel Atom Netbook Computer (Black): Computers & Accessories[/ame]
Bullshyt. They had a built-in music app? They had an e-reader? They had tablet-specific apps and games? No, they had a desktop PC squeezed into a tablet form and most of the shyt didn't work well which is why none of it took off. Apple looked at that and said how can we make this easier for people to use.
Yes, they had built-in programs to play music.
Yes, you could read books with them.
Yes, they had OS specific programs and games.
It didn't take off because it didn't look pretty and didn't have the power of Apple's brand marketing behind it.
Another example of not knowing the difference between INVENT and INNOVATE. Microsoft Tablets were used in some healthcare fields just with the stylus for note taking. That's true. Once again I never said Apple INVENTED that. But they took that idea and expanded it and made it so a tablet could now be used in not only healthcare, but a variety of different fields. That is called motherfukking INNOVATION. Can other tablets now do that stuff too? Sure. Were any of them doing it before the iPad? No.
Yes, "they" were doing it before the iPad
I just showed you an example and there are plenty others. People deciding to use iPad for teaching in 2013 doesn't mean that Apple created that lane. It just means tablet computing as an industry has grown so much that they are being used in more places now. Computers,
which are exactly what tablets are, have been in education for decades. Apple did not introduce that idea.
I don't even know why I'm arguing with a guy that talks about a "built-in music app" like that's is something new. It's a fukking music player
Apples gives you guys these buzzwords and you run around repeating them as if it's something brand new.
"retina display"
"swiping capabilities"
y'all kill me