pico pal q lee
You said a lot of interesting shyt but what stuck out....
"Before PWG Cena, dude learned in 2-3 years how to be a legit main event wrestler (promos and in ring)"
Is that on Roman or the writers?
Cena came in at a different time when you could get away with shyt on the mic.
Under those circumstances could you see Roman breaking through?
I'm a big believer in Roman's talent so I tend to blame it more on writing. But Cena was given an impossible gimmick during a time when it was seen as beyond corny, and all of this after he had gotten over as an edgy rapper.
Because he's headlined 4 WMs with Taker, HHH, & Lesnar
The Taker, HHH and 2nd Brock match are arguably Roman's three worst matches in WWE.
Roman's had better matches than Seth against Balor, Wyatt, Big Show, the first Brock match is WAY better than the one Rollins had against Lesnar (in singles). Teigns also has the Sheamus and Joe matches.
The Braun series of 17' alone is more memorable than anything Seth has done as a singles in the E' .
I think the only two guys Rollins has hada beyter match than Roman are Orton (at Mania) and Ambrose (their feud when Seth turned).