Most aren't fans because she is attractive. We like her because of her message and actually cares, but you do you and find the most unflattering pic to make yourself feel good.
if she cared why didn't she vote against the corona stimulus packages despite crying about terrible they were for everyone except the ultra rich?
The greatest upwards transfer of wealth of all time and she voted for it. They tried to float out "reports" that she voted no but there's video/audio proof. She didn't even have the guts to call for a recorded vote. But she did have an excuse which didn't make any sense. I can't find the clip, but she said that it didn't have a chance of passing so she just didn't stand up at all.
The one guy who wanted a recorded vote was a Republican but the only thing she calls out is the Republicac party, and not the political leadership that is complicit in all of this (Democrats and Republicans). Because this is the WWE and she's a fraud.
The coronavirus lockdown and response was the perfect moment for these "progressives" to step up and start their own political movement, but they've been silent and been loyal Democac soldiers. Supporting Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, corona stimulus, wanting to make health care more affordable during a global pandemic with unemployment rapidly rising. Supposedly these things are against their values, yet they still stand with them as the country gets raped by the rich again...
But y'all wanna be fans of these scam artists. It's the Obama finesse all over again. I wonder when her Netflix show is coming.