Paisley Darts
All Star
They opened up a few here recently. I've heard good things so I'll peep. Thanks OP.
Best decision you will ever making, you will be eating good while saving a lot of your moneyThey opened up a few here recently. I've heard good things so I'll peep. Thanks OP.
I went in one and I thought it was all off-brand products like Family Dollar quality...might give it another shot.
But their veggies/fruits looked TOO perfect, like GMO type shyt
I knew a chick that worked there for a week. She was happy at first cause she was making like $15 an house but then she had to work 12 hours days LOLThey are owned by the same people as Trader Joes
I work in the grocery industry. Their food, and particularly their meat, is quality as fukk. They cut costs by keeping the stores as basic and thinly staffed as humanly possible. Like they might have half the number of people a regular grocery store has working at any time. It's a good operation. Every time I go I'm like "wait I got all that for THAT????"
Yo, I'm thinking about going tomorrow & getting them Jenny-o turkey burgers for like 6 & some change. They like twice as much @ ultra food & jewel.
Their fake Cheeze Its >>> real Cheeze Its
Three pound sweet potato bags were on sale for a dollar today. Celery and onion for eighty cents. Niqqas keep buying up all the chicken and turkey meat though. I'm going to need a whip if I'm going to fukk with Aldi on the regular.