Yah, those taxi dudes were mad aggressive, but those random people trying to pick-up-luggage-for-you are worse. 2min after exiting their airport, i remember Some dude comes and takes luggage to a cab. You assume he's the driver but its some random 3rd party who just fist bumps the actual driver after putting your luggage beside his taxi, then comes sticking his hands out for a tip from you. Most unnecessary sht ive ever seen.
i realized the game, and laughed to myself for their ingenuity. I even dropped this random 3rd party dude 30EGP cause i appreciate the hustle. What bothered me most tho, was that he had the nerve to question it, talking about some, "is this, it? You know this the same as 3dollars where you are from. Im working hard here...."
it's a well rehearsed act, you could hand them $200 dollars and the response would be the same, just take it in stride and say yeah be grateful.