Boxed for 10 years, I won a bunch of smokers held in the Bronx and some "clubs" in Spanish Harlem (25-0-0), it felt more like a hobby for me, so I took up wrestling in JH, and HS in Hawaii (HPA).
I do very little cardio, insofar that I have a naturally great gas tank, so I rarely needed to run much. All the cardio I gained came from training other areas; rolling for an hour, sparring/bag training for hours, etc. I got into catch wrestling aka American JJ, and easily fell into BJJ without any problems. Basically all that sparring/training, helped my stamina, without having to run miles. I tested this by rolling with guys who ran religiously, they would usually gas out first, so no problems there.
Never really liked Judo, Aikido, or Wing Chun, a lot of it felt like bullshyt to me even back in the 90's. As much as I love Bruce Lee, my use of every technique in different systems of combat, excluded those three. Some of Judo was nice, but I'm a big guy with proper training, if you can throw me, I deserve to lose. Always loved sumo, Chinoyofuji (the wolf) was a fav of mine, so I trained Sumo techniques for a summer.