That HBK isn't legit is it? I don't ever recall that being released! I was heavy in to collecting during the Jakks CS line and never noticed this. Must be a pretty rare exclusive!
i'm not sure. after the original Jakks run in like 96-97 i lost track of the figures..so anything made after that is mind blowing to me.That HBK isn't legit is it? I don't ever recall that being released! I was heavy in to collecting during the Jakks CS line and never noticed this. Must be a pretty rare exclusive!
here and there, last i saw was one for the money in the bank playsetThey don't make ads like that anymore
Do WWE still do ads for figures? Cant recall seing any.
I had the big ring, the wrestlers, the chairs, the ladders, the tables, I even did my own commentary.
Before that though I made my own tables and stuff though, I was improvising so much back then.Creativity, used to play for hours with those figures man. Had my own shows going on, big 'spots' and everything. So much fun letting my imagination run wild with those figures.
Nostalgia hitting me hard.
holyshyt ya'll takin me backNo crap wat you know about playing in the dark with a flashlight a ghetto blaster and this to recreate all the entrances