G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman
Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
I been looking for the video for awhile now. I guess 50 had that shyt erased from the internet. But it was right after 50 had a press conference and said some shyt about P being irrelevant musically so his opinion on harsh content doesn't matter or something. BET set it up for 50 to interview P on rap city so they can settle their differences. This was around the time the Curtis album was about to drop. 50 wasn't saying none of that slick shyt to P in the interview. P was schooling him and shyt. Then at the end of the interview 50 asked him who he thought was going to win the sales battle between him and Kanye and P said Kanye
. Props to any of you coli detectives that can find the video. Here's pics from the interview