I haven't really gotten my feet wet as far as getting into production game career wise, though i'm planning on it really soon. As others already mentioned, get your self started by getting a beat making program (I prefer FL because its less complicating to start out with) and just learn as much as you can about it. There are like a million of FL tutorials you can find on youtube. I found some of the beatgenerals stuff helpful.
Software or Hardware? fukk it. It don't matter which one you use, because one is not better than the other. You can make amazing beats from either one and you can make shytty beats from either one.
When you get free time, just spend as much time on it as you can just making beats. They might sound terrible at first, but once you get the hang of it, your confidence will build. Also, study your favorite producers carefully. I'm not saying to copy they're style completely, but mix some of your favorite elements from they're styles and mix it with your very own. Listening and gaining appreciation to other genres of music besides Hip-Hop will help you more creatively and give more ideas.
As for as the business side of things, like I said I haven't really gotten deep into, because I'm planning everything out first. The production game can be very tough as I have still have doubts about it bringing me success....I can't front. First off, you gotta make that decision if this really what you wanna do, because you might have to make some sacrifices. Secondly, you gotta have confidence, the drive, and determination that you will succeed. Physiologically, your mind has to be strong which means no procrastinating, no negative thoughts about failing. That has been a flaw of mines during this process, but if you deal with that, listen/watch something that motivational...Hypnosis is good too.
Third - Marketing and building your brand is just as important as the music itself. Sure you can have best beats in the world all day long, but if no one else knows about them, then it want matter. Just try to get on many as social outlets as you can and promote your ass off. Learn how to talk to customers, and become cool with them. Begging them to hear your beat like many cats I see is just gonna make them annoyed of you. Have actual conversations that don't have to do with your business and once yall have that connection nh, just say hey "I make beats, would you like to work" or something.
Man, its really a shame that I have so much knowledge that I'm not doing shyt with it but im glad to help