Hmmm that's always the vibe I got just roaming around checking shyt out. I think I'm gonna do it this year. So do you buy tickets for the day? How does that work and how much are they?
They go on sale in June, get them early cause the tournament's first weekend is Labor Day weekend and Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon are guaranteed sellouts, mostly. Then after the 8th/9th day you don't get as many important matches and the juniors start.
If you just want the experience go the first couple of days, things going on absolutely everywhere. If you're a more of a tennis fan and know all the players and who you want to see, the best time for competitive matches all around the grounds would be the middle Friday/Saturday/Sunday, 3rd/4th round mens and womens. Enough top players there.. less matches but more quality.
First monday/tuesday/wednesday/thursday = less quality matches, more mismatches, but way more going on
friday/saturday/sunday = more quality matches, a bit less going on
monday to the final day = extreme quality matches, but mostly doubles and juniors, a lot going on but less of an importance
forget about night session if you want the full experience. night session us open is always a massive mismatch and there's mostly nothing going on at night unless you get marathon matches. tickets much cheaper though, yet ashe is atrocious.
tickets will go 50/60/70 bucks for day session the first week.