Any news on FIFA 13?


Jun 14, 2012
No complaints on A (cover) and B (Tackle), 2nd player press was abused.

4 and 4.5 star teams play like 5 star teams on FIFA 10.

Real Madrid plays like a 8 star team.

I wish they would improve ball physics, PES absolutely demolishes FIFA when it comes to this.

:smh: @ Player Impact engine. Makes some players damn near unstoppable on off/def and makes other players useless.


May 8, 2012
No complaints on A (cover) and B (Tackle), 2nd player press was abused.

4 and 4.5 star teams play like 5 star teams on FIFA 10.

Real Madrid plays like a 8 star team.

I wish they would improve ball physics, PES absolutely demolishes FIFA when it comes to this.

:smh: @ Player Impact engine. Makes some players damn near unstoppable on off/def and makes other players useless.

That's why I made the move to PES and haven't looked back. by the way, PES 2013 demo comes out tomorrow the 25. have to make an euro account though. :manny:


The Coli's Jetsetter & Globetrotter
May 14, 2012
The Bay
The only major thing I want them to look into changing is the rating stars. Aint no way last years PSG or Tott, or even any Italian club have the same 5 star talent as Real Madrid, Barcelona, Man City or Chelsea. When there is a major difference in talent on teams with the same star level then that creates an issue, which is why sports games uses the 100pt scale. IF anything, they can go to a 10pt scale with 1/2pt increments. So Real Madrid & Barcelona are the only 10s with Man City, Man U, Chelsea, PSG(now) & Bayern being the 9.5pt teams. Its obvious that nikkuhs don't like to have to play vs RM or Barca online because they are the best. This also will illustrate how La Liga is 2 team top heavy with the next set of teams(2) probably only being a 8/8.5 and the rest >8. While the EPL is concentrated with a lot of 8-9pt teams...:yeshrug:

Also, there should be a way I can play a season with the current schedule(is there a way?):hmm:

Im scarred to play PES cause I might like it :guilty:


Jun 22, 2012
No complaints on A (cover) and B (Tackle), 2nd player press was abused.

4 and 4.5 star teams play like 5 star teams on FIFA 10.

Real Madrid plays like a 8 star team.

I wish they would improve ball physics, PES absolutely demolishes FIFA when it comes to this.

:smh: @ Player Impact engine. Makes some players damn near unstoppable on off/def and makes other players useless.

FIFA 13 Proves the Series is Still on the Ball - IGN


Jun 22, 2012
i made the move to PES like n 05 the only thing that keeps me addicted to fifa is the FIWC...I stay in the top 50 but after missing a few days I fall off because the people with no jobs, school or life play nonstop and have like 1000 more games that me in a week.


May 1, 2012
Anyone playing PES in this day and age :laugh:

Genuinely atrocious game.

Yayo Toure

Mighty Man City
May 23, 2012
[ame=][Introducing PES 2013] The Player ID Experience (Episode 3) - YouTube[/ame]

it's hilarious how ppl become FIFA fanboys not realizing that everything good about that game they just stole from PES. PES is still more realistic and alot deeper than FIFA. 5 year olds play FIFA and score with ease, a 5 year old will play PES and not be able to score until he hits puberty.


May 1, 2012
It's hilarious how people have allegiances to games.

Fifa got shyt, pes got good = i played pes

pes got shyt, fifa got good = i played fifa

Currently, fifa is better, who gives a fukk how.

Stress Welker

All Star
May 7, 2012
Match Presentation

This one came as a big surprise because the match presentation in the build we played at EAC was completely different to the press event code we’d sampled earlier in the year. The entire stadium now feels alive with activity during the opening cut scene, with camera men and photographers following the players on to the pitch snapping away at FIFA’s all star cast as they emerge from the tunnel. There’s also a raft of new pre-match camera angles and sequences the most impressive being an aerial view of the pitch and a brilliant close up of the match ball as the players prepare to kick-off. You even see a subtle wobble effect on the camera to represent that someone is carrying it whilst moving across the pitch.

It’s not just the cutscenes that have received a brush-up though because even during gameplay, new assets can been seen all around the stadium. Stewards and policemen for instance are no longer cardboard cutouts, instead they’re living breathing models who’ll move around the ground studiously watching the crowd. Even the photographers positioned behind the goal noticeably change the angle their camera is facing depending on where the action is, the level of detail is really quite something.

The best though, as always is saved to last because in FIFA 13 you’ll now be able to see subs warming up on the touchlines and mangers patroling the technical area. Once again this isn’t just unnecessary padding as the commentary team will pick up on much of this activity and discuss the manager readying a substitution for example. These new features were a complete shock to the system when we booted up FIFA at EAC and the layer of realism that FIFA’s presentation has always been lacking is now not only there, but genre leading.
Match Audio

Another element of the FIFA presentation package that deserves a big mention is the match audio which now reacts very naturally to events on the pitch. Whether it’s goals, bad challenges or missed opportunities the audio now seems to appreciate the context of these situations far better and most importantly it delivers the right responses. Tuning to the actual levels of crowd reaction looks to have been tweaked too with noticeable jumps in volume for the most intense moments of drama.

The depth to the audio runs much deeper in FIFA 13 too, even to the point where certain crowd chants have been assigned time frames when they should be heard. So don’t expect to hear “You’ll Never Walk Alone” at Anfield anymore unless it’s in the last few minutes of the game. It sounds like a really small thing, but oddities surrounding crowd chants can be a massive immersion killer and presentation detail that finite was a consideration FIFA 12 just didn’t pay enough attention to.

Finesse Shot

I feel it’s really important that I cover the finesse shot in FIFA 13 individually because you guys asked us to provide specific feedback on it so strongly. To be brutally honest, my personal opinion is that it’s still a little too power as a weapon to guarantee shot success in the build we played. It’s much better than FIFA 12 don’t get me wrong, but I still think that as a “get out of jail free” card it’s far too easy to play.

I’m not suggesting nerfing it entirely either because curled or “finesse” shots happen all the time in real matches. But what we fed back to Aaron McHardy and multiple members of the gameplay team was that we wanted to see more variation in the type of arc the ball trajectory takes from a finesse shot. So instead of every shot taking that consistent 90 degree curve, there would be more instances of shots curling more, taking the ball closer to the keeper and curling less, seeing the ball miss the far post.

The team at EAC were incredibly receptive to all our thoughts and ideas surrounding finesse and now it’s their call whether they feel that it needs to be changed or not, remembering of course that they build a game for 9 million people, all with different tastes.

Contain was the other major element of concern especially from a subsection of our Twitter following and I thought it was absolutely fine in the EAC build. The lateral element of Contain means that when you player switch the fact you’re already pushing the analogue stick in a direction removes that “locked on” feeling and even if you hold Contain and nothing else, you’re now more likely to passed by the powerful Complete Dribble system.

In FIFA 12 there was no way to beat a containing defender and it made the system hugely overpowered, especially online but the combination of the lateral movement in the system and the power of Complete Dribble makes Contain in FIFA 13 a much more palatable game mechanic. As always with new elements it’s all about balance and EA have done a much better job this year with Contain even if Complete Dribble has ended up providing most of the answers.
Attacking Intelligence

One area for improvement in Attacking Intelligence that we identified in June was that we wanted to see more instances of players coming towards the ball to become a passing option. The system tends to focus more on players making runs away from the ball carrier and in the EAC build I still felt this was the case. It’s not a problem because the movement compared to FIFA 12 is almost incomparable but to add just a little bit of light and shade to the visual element of Attacking Intelligence I think it would be great to see more players moving towards the ball carrier showing for a pass.

Some additional tuning has also happened under the hood to the Attacking Intelligence logic which makes players consider whether making a forward run is actually a good idea or not. In the E3 code we’d played previously certain players (especially fullbacks) had a tendency to vacate their position too freely leaving you vulnerable if the ball was turned over. That’s now gone and if you already have your winger out wide in a great position, the fullback isn’t going to run forward just because he can. He’ll still push up to support and overlap if it’s appropriate, but if there’s a man to mark that will be his first priority.

The real star of the show is still the Two Plays Ahead system though and even if you were to remove all the curved runs and swish gesture animations, having your team mates engaged in the play and already on the move is the real game changer. We did get the chance to play some FIFA 12 at EAC (waiting for Rom in the lobby) and the biggest change you feel is the jump in fluidity. That’s almost solely down to Two Plays Ahead and even if your team mate has moved just a few yards in FIFA 13 compared to him being stationary in FIFA 12, it still makes all the difference.

First Touch Control

The great news with First Touch Control is that it’s still a very prominent game mechanic and it hasn’t been toned down. All that’s changed really is that the slightly odd instances of overly heavy touches in comfortable scenarios have now been smoothed out. I’d also like to stress yet again, that First Touch Control isn’t about forcing your players to take bad touches, because FIFA 13 is still crammed with great examples of control. If you aren’t under pressure and you receive a simple pass your touch will be as good as FIFA 12 most of the time, but when the context changes and a 40 yard pass is drilled across the pitch, you really have to think about how to receive it and what to do next based on your first touch.

Getting the unpredictability of real football on to the pitch in FIFA 13 was a big part of EA’s brief this year and First Touch Control is by far the biggest contributor to achieving that mission statement.
Complete Dribble

Of the five FIFA 13 gameplay pillars EA revealed some time ago, Complete Dribble has always been one of my favourites. Now, it’s my absolute number one and by some distance. The main reason for that is the addition freedom the system offers and although simple sounding, the separation of movement and facing angles is every inch the revolution we were promised last year from Precision Dribble.

We mentioned on our gameplay podcast in June that we felt the contextual element of Complete Dribble wasn’t initiating soon enough and the team have now settled on what seems to be a happy medium in terms of range. I’m still a big fan of controlling the system exclusively myself (LT and RT) but seeing it happen contextually when your players approach a defender or you near the touchline is a really special moment. Precision Dribble 2.0 felt the same as before to be honest and it’s still only useable when virtually stationary. As always it’s about trying to blend these different dribble systems together and because of the more prominent contextual element you’ll see much of these new features in FIFA 13 simply by dribbling with the left stick.

The criticism I picked out regarding dribble individuality earlier in the year still stands though and although Messi, Hazard, Mata and Co feel amazing to control, everyone else sort of feels on a par. Perhaps then it’s only the poorer dribblers that need to go down a notch from that baseline?
Impact Engine

Although the Impact Engine was verging on perfect in comparison to FIFA 12 there were still a few odd collisions which needed to be ironed out. The great news is that this has now happened and the Impact Engine is in the sort of shape we all imagined it would be when EA announced it last year. The one tiny oddity remaining was that on occasion players attempted to hurdle challenges a little too early, which visually looked a bit weird. EA were already aware of this one though, and had already resolved the issue in builds they had at their desks.
Tactical Freekicks

One very welcome change to Tactical Freekicks is that the first time you’re awarded a freekick, you now get a tutorial overlay on screen explaining all the different controls. Some of the advanced Tactical Freekick options are fairly complex so this tweak is going to be really useful for everyone when they pick up the game. The big criticism still remains with Tactical Freekicks though, why would I use it instead of just shooting? I guess its down to personal preference really, but for those willing to try something new the options you have at your disposal are excellent.


The version of FIFA 13 we played at EAC still feels very much like the FIFA 13 we played in Guildford, but what’s happened in those months is an incredible amount of fine tuning and tightening of the gameplay mechanics. The foundations of all the new gameplay elements were there in Guildford, but in Vancouver there was a pretty impressive house built on top and based on past experiences FIFA 13 feels more than ready for release, even with two months to go.

The changes go beyond the five major gameplay pillars though and as always EA have made lots of changes to existing fundamentals too. Shooting for example now feels like it has the raw power back that we once had in FIFA 10, only now it’s now bound by the ball physics improvements that came with FIFA 11 and 12. Improvements to fundamentals I always find are some of the most impressive and FIFA 13′s gameplay feels like EA have finally managed to weave all the lessons learnt from this generation in to one, very solid on-the-pitch package.

FIFA’s gameplay will never be “perfect” in my eyes, football itself has too many blemishes for that to be possible and there’s of course always much room for improvement (footedness, foot planting, locomotion etc) . But what’s clear this year above all else is that regardless of inconsistencies and balancing issues which will no doubt rear their head once millions of people have poured millions of hours in to the game, there’s still no doubt in my mind that FIFA 13 has the best overall gameplay of any FIFA title this generation. That alone is a reason to be very excited for September 28th.

Feel free to ask any further questions in the comments.

Stress Welker

All Star
May 7, 2012
Q: Caolan_LFC: @EASPORTSFIFA will the World Cup/Euros/Confed. Cup be on career mode aswell? #FIFA13Career

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @Caolan_LFC Lots of International tournaments to play in. World Championship, European Championship, Conf. Cup, qualifiers, friendlies.

Q: LawrieTubb: @santiagoj83 In career mode, can your players get called up? Eg African cup of nations, so you’d lose players like gervinho? #FIFA13Career

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @LawrieTubb @santiagoj83 We don’t have all the regional tournaments this year, but we do have a South America Cup and European Championship.

Q: MrCrazy3000: @EASPORTSFIFA @EASPORTSFIFA If you are managing a smaller club will you still get national team offers? #FIFA13Career

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @MrCrazy3000 Yes, but you won’t get offers from the best.For example,to get the Spain or Brazil job, you need to be successful in a top club.

Q: JudahS_: @EASPORTSFIFA #FIFA13Career are you more likely to get an off from the country you’re working in or the nationality you are?

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @JudahS_ if you do well in the top league, that country’s FA will be more interested in you. Same goes for your nationality. #FIFA13Career

Q: MrCrazy3000: @EASPORTSFIFA Can you just manager a national team and not manager a club? #FIFA13Career

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @MrCrazy3000 No, you always need a club job.

Q: _YOLOscar: @EASPORTSFIFA now that there are National Teams in #fifa13career, is the World Cup in the game?

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @_YOLOscar We will have a World Championship that will follow the same format.

Q: AntDutra15: #FIFA13Career I think you should have a feature so we know how much potential a player has before I waste money on him!

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @AntDutra15 We’re doing a lot of work on the player growth system as we speak! #FIFA13Career

Q: AntonHMill: @EASPORTSFIFA #FIFA13Career if I play Player Mode, can I hand in a transfer request or leave a club in the winter transfer window?

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @AntonHMill Yes, you can hand in a transfer request at any point.

Q: bcfc: #fifa13career All these new additions wont matter when Birmingham city get took over and sign Kaka, Ronaldo etc…

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @bcfc we re-wrote the transfer system and there are lots of improvements there for authenticity.

Q: eivindws: Is youth academy still in #FIFA13Career? @EASPORTSFIFA

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @eivindws Yes, Youth Academy is still there :smile:

Q: mikeastuto: @EASPORTSFIFA Any updates to the youth academy? Specifically player growth? #FIFA13Career

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @mikeastuto Some additions to the Youth Academy, and we are working on some very good improvements to the player growth system #FIFA13Career

Q: stowesport: @EASPORTSFIFA Will youth academy players be able to develop very quickly, like e.g. Rooney did in real life? #FIFA13Career

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @stowesport It will depend on their potential, their playing time, match rating, and other factors that we are working on to improve it all.

Q: Sabre0001: @EASPORTSFIFA If you get subbed while playing poorly or tired, will your match rating drop? #FIFA13Career

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @Sabre0001 Doing lots of improvements to the match rating system. We are still tuning it at the moment. Should be much better! #FIFA13Career

Q: lfcrusayne: #FIFA13Career Do you have to purchase the “edit player” option before starting the CM for it to take effect or does it update mid-CM?

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @lfcrusayne You can ‘unlock’ the option to edit players inside #FIFA13Career from the catalogue, and it will work for in-progress CM games.

Q: PepsiJamie: @EASPORTSFIFA Why not add things like team chemistry and wages where you can buy new boots and items? #FIFA13Career

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @PepsiJamie You will be able to unlock new boots and other cool stuff from the EAS FC catalogue. #FIFA13Career

Q: liam_Cotter: @EASPORTSFIFA can u change your team kit every few seasons? #FIFA13Career

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @liam_Cotter No, you can’t change the kits. They are licensed. BUT, you CAN unlock historic kits for a variety of teams and have them in CM!

Q: Murrayyyyyyyy: @EASPORTSFIFA Will more clubs receive face scans? #FIFA13Career

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @Murrayyyyyyyy Yes,I don’t have the details now,but more players have gone through the new face-scan tech and look incredible! #FIFA13Career

Q: GoOnDanny: #FIFA13Career Can you choose the teams who you want to play in pre-season friendly games?

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @GoOnDanny I really wanted this too, but we didn’t have the time to implement the feature. We had higher priorities for #FIFA13Career

Q: sirdaz12: @EASPORTSFIFA @sirdaz12: Are the celebrations better when you win a trophy? Should be seen going up and getting the cup. #FIFA13Career

A: EASPORTSFIFA: @sirdaz12 We have new celebrations, new stadium entrance sequences, etc…#FIFA13Career


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012
They always say that FIFA this year is this and that. All these reviews are bogus and you will see how clumsy the demo is. It happens every year.

What about the collisions ? Defenders completely ignoring the ball ? Referees calling stupid offsides ?

EA needs to get their things in order before worrying about Audio. So, that was the only improvement from last year ?


May 1, 2012
Audio is a big part of the gameplay experience.

It almost makes PES unplayable, the sound is terrible. Plus the actual gameplay etc wasn't great.

Roid Jones

May 1, 2012
Audio is a big part of the gameplay experience.

It almost makes PES unplayable, the sound is terrible. Plus the actual gameplay etc wasn't great.

Wasn't great? the game play is miles better than anything Fifa has to offer, Its the everything else that lets it down.