On the rise?!?!?
I'm saying
. Like this was the testament of time. Hell, there was a moment in history where folks who were intelligent would get exiled or even killed. (ala black folks
). shyt there are folks that did not believe that man landed on the moon.
Even when the internet was a smart man's service, there were some dumb asses roaming in forums.
Look at some of the topics on The Coli where folks show their complete IQ of a "144" .
I'm not the sharpest twig on the branch, but knowledge is essential to life. Its getting to the point where libraries and museums were on the chopping block. Hell, Trump's thumb in the ass having self was threatening to shut down Public Broadcasting.
I remember writing about the "War on Education" in a previous forum a while back, and got greeted by crickets.
I'm more afraid of a future of no knowledge, than a future with no finances
. Knowledge is wealth itself that's being overlooked for material gold and destructive attention.