On some Dave Chapelle-OJ shyt I’ve been around Wale 3 times
The first time I met Wale…back in the day this huge club (H20), im in the cut in the hallway I look up from my phone and its Wale. Just me and him like 10 yards apart. In my mind I’m like ‘oh cool, it’s Wale’. He doesn’t say anything but this ngga sucks his teeth and turns his head on some ‘man I can’t go NOWHERE without being noticed’.
I bust out laughing and went about my way
The second time I met wale….LA Fitness, rush hour, packed gym. Wale is in an open area on his phone. Loud. Pacing back n forth, hand gestures n all.
It was the weirdest shyt. Most celebs try to stay low key this ngga was begging to be noticed
The third time I met Wale…same LA Fitness. This time it’s around lunch, barely anyone there. I go to get shots up. I walk into the court they playing 2 on 2 they abruptly stop and stare. I notice Wale. I sit and start putting my shyt on. These nggas start huddling up, whispering, keep lookin down my way. On some ‘hmm should we let a civilian be on the same court as Wale
’. I chuckled and just walked back out