Crazy this didn't come up with BG3.How Xbots taking credit for sales when PalWorld sales are on Steam?
I've seen every Sony Stan trying to discredit palworld on Xbox trying to bring this up like some kinda gotcha.
Yet I haven't seen any Xbox players speaking on how much palworld has sold on or because of Xbox. Legit don't care and just want to play the game.
Sony Stan's getting clowned because this is exactly the type of game y'all told us you didn't care about from a region that Sony all but abandoned. But some how, even for a game that's not even on your system all y'all can still talk about is sales.
Is it about Popular fun exclusives or just sales and if it's about sales that means it's just about money and if it's just about money.... well we know who is the big bank when it comes to that.
The salt is real