Another Big Win For Putin!!!


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Russians Pull $5 Billion Out of Banks as Ruble Plummets
  • By Sam Skove
  • Oct. 21 2014 19:29
  • Last edited 19:29

Maxim Stulov / VedomostiRising inflation and dwindling trusts in banks following the Central Bank’s revocation of multiple bank licenses have encouraged the populace to cash out their ruble deposits.
Russians pulled 52.6 billion rubles ($1.3 billion) out of ruble deposits in September as Moscow battled to keep its currency afloat amid plummeting oil prices, high capital outflows and Western sanctions over the Ukraine crisis, business daily Vedomosti reported Tuesday, citing data from the Central Bank.

While hard currency deposits grew 2.4 percent in September in ruble terms, this was thanks to the rise of the dollar and euro relative to the ruble rather than an increase in deposits.

Calculating for the ruble devaluation, Russia's banking system lost a total of 200 billion rubles ($4.9 billion) in personal deposits in September, ratings agency Fitch told Vedomosti.

Analysts have blamed the 0.4 percent dip in ruble deposits, the first decrease since March's drop of 2.2 percent, on the falling ruble. Russia's ruble slide began early in the year and was exacerbated by political tensions following Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula. The ruble hit 40 to the dollar early this month after oil prices, a key source of revenue for Moscow, began to fall. This storm of factors has hacked at faith in the ruble, with state estimates putting capital flight at $120 billion this year.

Putting even more pressure on the downtrodden ruble, Western sanctions over the crisis in Ukraine have prevented major state-owned companies from rolling over billions of dollars in debt to foreign banks. These companies are now being forced to buy up hard currency in order to pay off the loans.

And as the ruble slumps, account holders in Russian banks act much the same way as larger players do — they turn their ruble holdings into more reliable investments.

Rubles withdrawn from bank accounts are converted into hard currencies or used to buy imported goods and real estate, an analyst from Fitch told Vedomosti. Others said that rising inflation and dwindling trusts in banks following the Central Bank's revocation of multiple bank licenses have encouraged the populace to cash out their ruble deposits.

While the current situation is still far from the crisis of 1998, if Russians were to panic and pull all their money out of the system, as they did then, their actions would weigh heavily on the ruble and the Central Bank's reserves.

Households currently hold a total of about 1.6 trillion rubles ($40 billion) in bank accounts, according to Sergei Pukhov, an economist at the Higher School of Economics.

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Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
Russia desperate don't be surprise to see them attack some little as country as they always do and then get overran by China and NATO lol Putin lost fuKk dude thought he was not think.


Talk No Jutsu
Sep 30, 2014
Putin Threatens Nuclear War Over Ukraine
Raising the spectre of nuclear war over Ukraine, Russia’s Vladimir Putin is playing a new, and dangerous, game.
On Friday, as Russian Federation tanks and troops poured across the border into eastern Ukraine, Vladimir Putin talked about his country’s most destructive weaponry. “I want to remind you that Russia is one of the most powerful nuclear nations,” he said. “This is a reality, not just words.” Russia, he told listeners, is “strengthening our nuclear deterrence forces.”

That same day, Putin used a term for eastern Ukraine meaning “New Russia.” So when he refers to repelling “any aggression against Russia” and speaks of “nuclear deterrence,” as he did on Friday, the Russian president is really warning us he will use nukes to protect his grab of Ukrainian territory.

For more than a generation, nuclear weapons were considered defensive only. In a few short sentences on Friday, however, Putin made these devices offensive in nature, just another tool to be employed by an aggressor. And to highlight his threat, on Aug. 14 at Yalta, the Crimean city he had seized this year, Putin mentioned “surprising the West with our new developments in offensive nuclear weapons about which we do not talk yet.”

Also in Yalta, where the Duma was meeting, the Russian leader spoke about renouncing the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty between the U.S. and Russia. The treaty outlaws ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges between 300 and 3,400 miles and is a foundation of the post-Cold War peace.

“I want to remind you that Russia is one of the most powerful nuclear nations. This is a reality, not just words.
It is one thing to talk about withdrawing from the pact—Putin has been doing that since 2007—it is another to violate it, which Putin has apparently been doing since 2008, when Russia began testing cruise missiles again. And when the State Department’s Rose Gottemoeller raised the concern in May of last year, Russian officials tried to shut down the dialogue. According to The New York Times, they “said that they had looked into the matter and consider the issue to be closed.”

“Administration officials said the upheaval in Ukraine pushed the issue to the back burner,” the paper reported of the INF violation. Putin, with his comments Friday, just moved it to the front of the stove.

And not just in the European kitchen. If Putin manages to intimidate the West with his not-so-veiled promises to incinerate Ukraine’s defenders, other aggressors may think they too can employ his threatening tactics. For instance, both North Korea and China have recently talked about unleashing Armageddon.


....This pseudo- cold war thing amuses me...
Putin pretty much wrote the 2014 manual on 'what-not-to-do-when-it-comes -to-foreign-policy'..........


Talk No Jutsu
Sep 30, 2014
they're relatively rational.. Putin is a loose canon.

I am willing to see how long this will play out......Lets see if he will put his foot farther in his mouth.


Bet off the table.

World War 3? Vladimir Putin Deploys Russia’s Troops Over Arctic Oil As The Russian Sub Hunt Continues

World War 3 is once again entering the vocabulary of reports coming out of Europe. This time, Vladimir Putin has deployed 6,000 troops to the Arctic in reaction to NATO’s recent interest in the region. Since oil is at stake, the potential for conflict is considered to be heightened and many reports have compared the situation to the Cold War.

In a related report by The Inquisitr, Sweden has deployed its military in the search for an alleged Russian submarine. The situation quickly escalated and NATO nations have reported that Russian jets were intercepted near the search area. In addition, some reports claim a potential Russian spy was photographed near the beaches and now Sweden is threatening to used armed force in order to raise the potential Russian sub. But finding the unknown foreign vessel is proving to be the tricky part and the Swedish military admits the alleged Russian submarine is “like Jesus.”

According to the Examiner, recent events have the potential to be the spark that lights off World War 3.

“More than at anytime since the height of the Cold War, it seems like the entire world is on the edge economically, militarily, and geo-politically. And where something as small as a foreign vessel being believed to reside in another nation’s waters seems trivial in the big picture, the consequences of small events today can quickly lead to escalating tensions, just as the assassination of the Arch-Duke Ferdinand 100 years ago set the dominoes in motion to begin World War I, and a truly global conflict.”

In this case, Vladimir Putin is sending out Russian troops to defend oil. Russia’s plans to increase military presence on its northern border in order to protect claim to the extensive oil resources locked within the region. The 6,000 soldiers will be stretched thin across the entire arctic belt from Murmansk to the Chukotka Peninsula.

According to NewsWeek, the Russian troop deployment happens to coincide with a rapid rise in Russian military vehicles making incursions into their territories.

“Russia is engaging in a much more important power game here in the Baltic Sea region. The figures are startling. In 2010, only one Russian military vessel was spotted close to Latvian waters. This year, the figure has already exceeded 40, Latvia’s ministry of defence says. During the same period, the number of Russian military approaches to Latvian airspace resulting in scrambles by Nato’s Baltic air policing mission has skyrocketed from around five to more than 180. Neighbouring Lithuania has already seen 132 scrambles this year, up from four in 2010.”

Some have described this Arctic region as a second Middle East since oil and gas reserves are thought to represent between 17 and 30 percent of the global total. If you consider the belief that the world’s oil will run out within this century, it seems to be a legitimate point to claim World War 3 could be triggered by Arctic oil. In addition, economists and investors have declared World War 3 to be inevitable based upon global economics.

“Trillions of dollars of debts will be restructured and millions of financially prudent savers will lose large percentages of their real purchasing power at exactly the wrong time in their lives. Again, the world will not end, but the social fabric of the profligate nations will be stretched and in some cases torn. Sadly, looking back through economic history, all too often war is the manifestation of simple economic entropy played to its logical conclusion. We believe that war is an inevitable consequence of the current global economic situation.”

Fortunately, the seemingly connected events may not be connected directly at all, although allegations over the Russian submarine have reminded the world of the first Cold War. According to ZeroHedge, Russia announced hints about these plans back on October 11, 2014, days before the alleged Russian submarine was ever detected, so it’s unlikely that Putin took this action in response to Sweden deploying its own military troops.

What do you think about the comments indicating that Vladimir Putin could trigger World War 3 over Arctic oil and the hunt for the alleged Russian submarine?

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Sep 21, 2012
real quiet about the search now
Altho still operating so they obviously know something, possibly waiting the submarine out; that's what former naval officer and submarine hunter Göran Frisk believes armed forces is doing.
Now this is a swedish interview in audio form im paraphrasing from but basically.. the russians have the get the fukk back completely undetected. They wait, move slowly, change location and listen to the surface every step of the way.
He says they have been discovered and attacked upon before (80's/90's) but then disappearing and most likely returning home. Never been able to get one up.

I don't stress it, fukk media, let them do their thing and when op is over hopefully some true officials


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
New 'macho' law in Russia planned to give state handouts to men who have children with more than one woman
  • Russian MP Valery Seleznev has been married 'multiple times'
  • And is proposing a state allowance for men with children to different women
  • He hopes the Macho Law will help increase Russia's population

PUBLISHED: 11:03 EST, 22 October 2014 | UPDATED: 11:16 EST, 22 October 2014

Men who have children by different women should be paid a special allowance by the state for increasing the population, a Russian MP claimed.

A new 'Macho Law' was proposed by Valery Seleznev, who believes that marriage for life is outdated.

Mr Seleznev said: 'Let's stimulate productive men so they can receive paternity capital and use it, for example, for alimony payments.'


Russian Liberal Democratic Party MP Valery Seleznev, left, wants to create a state allowance for men who have children with different women

He wants to extend a system which allows Russian women to claim special 'maternity capital allowances' of around £6,500 when they have more than one child.

The money - he did not specify the sum - could be used to help buy a flat or for education.

He said: 'Some men have several children from different women, each of whom is not eligible for the 'maternity capital programme, as some of them have only one child, and others can be married to another man.

'Often such men do not have enough money to pay for their children.

'And we should not be shutting our eyes to the fact that the marriage has long stopped being 'once and forever', while Russia needs to increase the population.'

The MP for the pro-Kremlin Liberal Democratic Party is drawing up the new the new legislation which he said might be called a Male Law, or Macho Law.


Mr Seleznev, 50, seen second from left at a business forum, has been married 'multiple times'

Vice premier Olga Golodets said she was astonished by the proposal but said: 'Any unusual idea has the right to be considered.'

Father of three Mr Seleznev, 50, from Vladivostok, is described as having been married 'multiple' times. and his motto is: 'We need a strong, great Russia.'

His own son Roman, 29, from his first marriage, was arrested in the Maldives in July, before being moved in controversial circumstances to Guam then Seattle.

He now awaits trial on 40 charges of cyber fraud which he is denying. He is accused of hacking into the computer systems of restaurants and businesses to steal millions of credit card numbers.

Mr Seleznev senior has accused the US of arresting his son with a view to exchanging him for Edward Snowden, the US whistleblower who disclosed America's electronic snooping techniques.

'They probably decided to swap one nerd for another,' he said.

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Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
:laff: What happened to all of those Russia/Putin stans? :russ: Ever since Obama made that "Russia doesn't make anything" comment Putin been stumbling around like he's drunk off Vodka. That and John McCain's "Russia's nothing but a giant gas station" quip are some top notch ethers. :mjlol:


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
They are desperate as shyt right and will collapse if this rate continue by end of Spring. Arabs like yeah let's make oil cheaper and hit their pockets, America like lets make more sanctions and the alphabet boys like tell ISIS to show out in Syria their only ally in the Middle East. Putin really underestimated America man like what a dumb ass.