1) no other place grants asylum to criminals but the USA.
You don't know much about foreign affairs in politics do you??

2) They take not only retail, but entry level, and high paid executive jobs. I even posted a illegal who is complaining because he can be a lawyer and the jury is still out on if they will allow him to be one. I have a feeling they will. Stop lying and pretending that illegals only work on a farm, etc.
Statistically speaking most undocumented immigrants a large portion of them work low-skilled hard labor work. The few examples you gave of undocumented immigrants work retail or high-skilled jobs are anecdotal at best.
3)Whites are not in black suburbs as much as hispanics are. Before the whites came in hispanics where flooding black neightborhoods. There is an issue about latinos invading black neighborhoods because these latinos are racist against blacks and what lation would hire a black person to work for them? None. We need to stop allowing others to join in on everything we do, but when we need their help they go silent.
Whites have been coming into several historical black neighborhoods making it tough for blacks to afford the cost of living. Stop relying on just your own personal observations.
10 Historically Black Neighborhoods That Black Families Can't Afford to Live in Anymore
And this is not to dismiss just Latinos in black neighborhoods but to address the issue broadly of how new residents hurt black communities overall @Raymond Burrr
4) He addressed police attacks by calling the children in Baltimore thugs, and saying some cookie cutter shyt, but never did shyt to stop police from killing blacks which they continue to do without being held accountable. The health care law doesn't help blacks who are not employed because you need to pay for insurance to receive it. Also the insurance that is available is expensive as shyt. He addressed reducing prison sentences, yet non of the black incarceration rates have gone down.
He was talking about the rioters and looters. Those "thugs" burning down a fukking CRV. What the fukk did CRV have to do with Freddie Gray's death??? He has addressed the issue of police officers killing blacks. These issues didn't really come to the fore front until AFTER Repubs took over congress/senate. No republican was going to help Obama or Dems pass laws regarding police shooting unarmed blacks.
Based on certain income levels blacks were eligible for subsidies provided by the healthcare law. Some states with Repub governors and law makers made it harder for them to have access to these subsidies.
That's because the issue to address these prison sentences have just been introduced. Blacks been getting locked up at high numbers since the 80s. shyt like this don't change overnight. Be reasonable.
Be happy being treated worse than people who aren't even citizens just so you can say you lived to see a black president in office, brehs. Any black that capes for him, is a troll, a mentally ill person, or a racist, imo.
And use emotional biased observations on these issues for blacks and Latinos and think you are actually educated on the matter brehs