Ann Coulter absolutely SHUTS DOWN illegal immigrants comparing their plight to black americans


Dec 8, 2012
Not really disenfranchisement. What are your expectations of a president?
if people are being killed in cold blood for just being black by police that they should get justice. If allowing illegals into America, to make sure that they are not harming American's livelyhood to feed their families. Simple, really.

No illegal should have section 8 housing, food stamps, own land, have a job, college financial aid, instate tuition, or a drivers licence.

I can't go to Japan, China, Russia, Britian, etc and get any of the above, but Mexicans can get everything I've listed by just crossing the boarder which is a crime.


Aug 14, 2012
Giving amnesty to illegals knowing that they take jobs from black people.

He provided temporary asylum to 5 million undocumented immigrants. They don't "take" jobs from blacks businesses purposely target them because they have no issues with working unsafe hard labor for cheap

Black neighborhoods are flooded with Hispanics now as well because of how easy it is to cross the boarder and stay.

What about whites gentrifying these black neighborhoods as well? Why is the issue more about latinos invading black neighborhoods while white neighborhoods get to stay far away from both groups?

Focusing on gay issues while black people are asking for rep's. Completely ignoring black people dying in the street while fighting for Hispanics and gays.

He's addressed police militarization after the Mike Brown riots/protest. He's addressed reducing prision sentences for drug offenses which disproportionately impact black inmates. He pushed an iniative to help young black men to advance in opportunities for success. Past a health care law to help blacks have access to health care. Just to name a few.

Fight for trannies, and etc, but ignore crimes on black people happening daily. You have to actively ignore the problems in the black community being effected by helping Hispanics and ignoring police killing black children.

He doesn't ignore thise issues and never have.
May 26, 2012
A lotta nikkas in here talking about feelings and caring. I know you nikkas have never had to do real business with non-blacks :francis:

I've done real world legal and illegal business with non-blacks. RACE has often been more important than MONEY. And feelings/caring has always been of the lowest priority if it's ever a priority at all.

A lotta nikkas in here saying illegal aliens don't affect the black community. I know you nikkas ain't from the hood (or a hood with decent latino population). :francis:

Go to any corporation offering low skill, entry level positions (Walmart, Target, McDonalds, etc) and tell me over the last 5-10 years you haven't seen a majority of the jobs that were held by blacks, currently being held by mexicans.

I'm in the sanctuary city called Oakland California. This IS happening.


God's Grace
Nov 26, 2014
Skim through thread, some made valid points, but let's not think Anne believes have of what she argues, she's just cakin off of being uniquely offensive, and has been for years.

Mexicans might not support us, but they aren't hurtin else. Ya'll fall for shyt too quick. I don't know, there wasn't ONE solid candidate for 2016 elections, an this immigration and healthcare issues seem to be the biggest topics, when they shouldn't be. Let's focus on disease prevention, education, salaries, and anti-discrimination. But those might be local/state issues. Not into politics.


Dec 8, 2012
He provided temporary asylum to 5 million undocumented immigrants. They don't "take" jobs from blacks businesses purposely target them because they have no issues with working unsafe hard labor for cheap

What about whites gentrifying these black neighborhoods as well? Why is the issue more about latinos invading black neighborhoods while white neighborhoods get to stay far away from both groups?

He's addressed police militarization after the Mike Brown riots/protest. He's addressed reducing prision sentences for drug offenses which disproportionately impact black inmates. He pushed an iniative to help young black men to advance in opportunities for success. Past a health care law to help blacks have access to health care. Just to name a few.

He doesn't ignore thise issues and never have.

1) no other place grants asylum to criminals but the USA.

2) They take not only retail, but entry level, and high paid executive jobs. I even posted a illegal who is complaining because he can be a lawyer and the jury is still out on if they will allow him to be one. I have a feeling they will. Stop lying and pretending that illegals only work on a farm, etc.

3)Whites are not in black suburbs as much as hispanics are. Before the whites came in hispanics where flooding black neightborhoods. There is an issue about latinos invading black neighborhoods because these latinos are racist against blacks and what lation would hire a black person to work for them? None. We need to stop allowing others to join in on everything we do, but when we need their help they go silent.

4) He addressed police attacks by calling the children in Baltimore thugs, and saying some cookie cutter shyt, but never did shyt to stop police from killing blacks which they continue to do without being held accountable. The health care law doesn't help blacks who are not employed because you need to pay for insurance to receive it. Also the insurance that is available is expensive as shyt. He addressed reducing prison sentences, yet non of the black incarceration rates have gone down.

Be happy being treated worse than people who aren't even citizens just so you can say you lived to see a black president in office, brehs. Any black that capes for him, is a troll, a mentally ill person, or a racist, imo.
May 26, 2012
What about whites gentrifying these black neighborhoods as well? Why is the issue more about latinos invading black neighborhoods while white neighborhoods get to stay far away from both groups?

First off you're moving the goalposts talking about a DIFFERENT subject. But since it relates i'll reply quickly

Gentrification is a financial issue. Capable blacks not being allowed to work is a financial issue.

On a basic level it means less financial prosperity, means less home ownership, means less control of land, means gentrification.

On a deeper level it means less financial prosperity, means less business ownership, means less home ownership, means less ability to buy/create politicians, less control over laws/measures that determine the future of your neighborhoods, means less control of land, means gentrification.

Now get back on topic :martin: