A post or so in, our exchange turned into a question about what the flag symbolize with you somehow concluding some position that me and Young took on that subject. Which by your own words, I gather, was the notion that I took the stance that the perception of the flag being tied to offensive ideas/history is somehow a invalid perception to have. I found this quite absurd from my end because I never even mentioned my personal view regarding the flag in any context, itt. And Young acknowledged the subjectivity regarding the flag as a symbol itt. Hopefully we cleared up the confusion on this front.
That was his whole point. Also, he didn't just bring up the black on black point solely for derailing, he used it to perform "A compared to what" type of measure so he could speak with accuracy when he pointed out the "Flag debate" is in fact not worth the value of attention it's being assigned. His logic is valid too. If I asked you to tell me is a College GPA of 1.5 good or bad, you will reason by performing some sort of comparing. Young is applying the same logic, but in this context black well-being is the subject, not GPA.