Andrew Sullivan has an inflated sense of self-worth

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
New Year, New Dish, New Media - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast
Sullivan is leaving the Daily Beast and taking his blog the pay route. Starting in February he will be charging a $19.99 monthly fee to view his blog.
I don't see this being successful at all and not just because I think Sullivan is over valuing his own worth as a political commentator but just because he is trying to charge for something that can be gotten for free from a million dfifferent sources.
Maybe once upon a time when Sullivan was an anomaly, an out gay Republican man who was aggressively pro-war and promoted the upside of eugenics, people cared to read his column for the curiosity factor alone. But now he is just a out gay faux-Independent who has a man crush on Barack Obama and constantly whines about legalizing gay marriage. That type of opinion is a dime a dozen on any liberal blog on the Internet.

It will be interesting to see if this model he is promoting somehow becomes a success because if he can actually get people to pay for his blog then that will open up an entirely new world online but I don't think he has a shot in hell of making this work.