Let me get this started. I don't care if he's gay or living a double life. Thats not my problem. But the framing of this is INCREDIBLY out of pocket.
If you've seen the photos I have a problem with a few things.
I'm not denying dude might have a secret life, but who took these photos?
All the reports said a police body camera took the pics. This CLEARLY is not body camera footage.
Yet theres white feet at the bottom of BOTH pictures in an angle thats damn near impossible for a cop walking into the scene to notice.
Why is a naked white foot on Gillum's wrist?
And dare I say... was Gillum set up?
I'll admit when someone makes an objective good point.
What is going on here?
If there is police video, then this can't be it, the feet ar3 exposed in these pics.

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