Andrew Gillum enters rehab [UPDATE]


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Florida Commission on the Status of Women | R. Jai Gillum

R. Jai Gillum

R. Jai Gillum is the Director of Foundation Affairs at the Florida Dental Association. Previously, she served as Director of Income & Health Strategies for the United Way of the Big Bend. She is originally from Montgomery, AL but has lived in Tallahassee for more than 17 years. She received both her undergraduate degree and Master of Public Health degree from Florida A&M University. R. Jai has served on both the Florida Commission on the Status of Women and the Tallahassee/Leon County Commission on the Status of Women & Girls. Some of her other local community involvement includes Leadership Tallahassee Board of Governors, Children’s Campaign Board of Directors, Southern Shakespeare Festival Board of Directors, Capital Women’s Network, Tallahassee Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and the Tallahassee Chapter of The Links, Incorporated.

Jai is married to Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, and they have twins, Jackson Bailey and Caroline Jai, and son Davis Allen Gillum.

fukk that c00n Candace Owens

But we warned ya'll that Gillum was'nt the successor to Obama months ago



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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Like I said he’s been in my neighborhood Hyde Park for years as the state senator. Never heard nothing like that. Also how can he be hanging out with Rahm in gay massage houses when Rahm was in Washington during the 90s. Stop promoting BS. If there was a shred of evidence Obama was gay it would have been exposed like Clinton, Booker, and this dude

That is the same guy who keeps spreading the rumor that coronavirus was a biological weapon targeted to decimate African populations.

We legit might have the dumbest mod on the internet.
Oct 22, 2017
Florida Commission on the Status of Women | R. Jai Gillum

R. Jai Gillum

R. Jai Gillum is the Director of Foundation Affairs at the Florida Dental Association. Previously, she served as Director of Income & Health Strategies for the United Way of the Big Bend. She is originally from Montgomery, AL but has lived in Tallahassee for more than 17 years. She received both her undergraduate degree and Master of Public Health degree from Florida A&M University. R. Jai has served on both the Florida Commission on the Status of Women and the Tallahassee/Leon County Commission on the Status of Women & Girls. Some of her other local community involvement includes Leadership Tallahassee Board of Governors, Children’s Campaign Board of Directors, Southern Shakespeare Festival Board of Directors, Capital Women’s Network, Tallahassee Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and the Tallahassee Chapter of The Links, Incorporated.

Jai is married to Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, and they have twins, Jackson Bailey and Caroline Jai, and son Davis Allen Gillum.
But someone in this very thread said that Andrew did this because of what she looks like. The self hate in this community is strong. You hate to see it. :mjpls:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Just google “Obama Hot Dog Email”.... it is the first one the pops up. “Obama flew in 65k in pizza/hotdogs for a private party at the White House”

now you can say that it is a pizzagate conspiracy, but deep down you know 65k on pizza and hotdogs for a private party makes zero sense. It is a real email between real people and it was found on Clinton’s server.

Obama is probably a batty boy.

Of course it makes zero sense because it was a joke email, dumbass. It wasn't even from anyone in the White House, it was a random email between two random people who didn't even work in the government and they were making a joke about government spending. The shyt y'all take as evidence at face value is mind-boggling.


Breh&Breh Associates™
Nov 11, 2017
Gillium was likely sucking that nikkas titty ring while missionary fukking his meth soaked a$$hole raw.
Wow... I’ve yet to see a gayer post on thecoli... considering @Ya’ Bussy Cleon posts on here, that’s an achievement.

Am I the only one who thinks Barack wouldve NEVER gotten our support to the tune of 95% black vote if he didnt marry an unapologetically black woman like Michelle and had clearly black children

Part of the reason Kamala and Cory Booker had authenticity problems with us and never quite connected

If this is true, Dems fukking up again
I said this from day one... if Michelle looked even ambiguously black, he would’ve lost a large percentage of the black female vote.

AV Dicey

All Star
May 6, 2012
Juan Roberto's bald spot

HE didn't represent us:heh:

He represented everybody but us.

The Jewish bankers, the LGBTs, the war mongers, the feminists, health insurance companies, .

He sang Al Green to us and told us to "raise our kids better":comeon:

nikkaz like you are too into style over substance

As if this was about Trump that nikka wouldn't be the main one up in here like "Get him!":russ:

Dude, that story in conjuction with that picture of him and his family just makes the story more hilarious, NGL
some mixed race guy raised by his white grandparents in freaking Hawaii goes to the most exclusive whitest of schools interacting with the waspiest people this side of nuntucket marries a black girl from the southside of chicago raises a black family works his mixed race ass off to attain the highest office of the land and takes his black family and his mother in law with him to the most rarefied of wasp worlds, keeping that blacker than oakland in the 60s name his daddy gave him.

so his politics was center left, check his background, his kin is from Kansas! nevermind black folk are right this very moment rejecting all that progressivism and blue check and think piece politics of the left for more of that Barack Obama moderation.

maybe to some politics was the style and the substance was Michelle and Malia and Sasha and Marylin and Craig n em all up in the whitehouse everyday all day for 8 years straight with no fukkery, but to each his own :manny: word to Kamala and Cory and Van Jones :shaq2:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Certain posters here taking their Obama conspiracy theories straight from right-wing newsletters trying to make black men look feminine. :scust:

What's Behind the Right's 'Obama Is Gay' Conspiracy

You probably know by now that President Obama is a Muslim who professes socialism and that he was born in Africa, which makes him ineligible to occupy our highest office. But here is something you may not know: Obama is gay. Not only is he gay; he frequented gay bath houses in Chicago along with his former chief of staff and current Chicago mayor, Rahm Emanuel. And not only did he frequent those bath houses; he was under the influence of a “transgender nanny” when he lived as a boy in Indonesia. Plus, he was “married” to his Pakistani roommate while attending Occidental College (one theorist says that the ring he wore at the time was a “homosexual symbol for ‘women stay away’”); had a cocaine-fueled romance with a right-wing activist and ex-convict named Larry Sinclair in 1999 (who, of course, wrote a book about it); and orchestrated the murders of another gay lover and two gay associates from the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church just before the Iowa caucuses in 2008—all of which helps to explain why he married, in the words of one Obama investigator, a “mannish wife with big, muscular arms.”
These stories have been standard fare in right-wing circles and on right-wing websites for years. Google “Obama gay rumors” and you get—hold on!—15.5 million hits, most of them crackpots like conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi, one of the original Swift Boaters, who interviewed a man who knew Obama at Occidental and described the future president’s relationship with his roommate as a “close, intimate emotional attachment,” even though the only evidence for that attachment was the fact that “I saw them standing very close to one another.” Or a blogger named Kevin DuJan, who reports that Reggie Love, the former basketball player who served as Obama’s “body man,” was actually the president’s lover, and that it is “quite clear that in the years ahead Barack Obama will replace Elton John as the reigning party queen, gay icon.” (DuJan also says he expects that Obama will retire to Honolulu after his defeat by Romney, where, “draped in colorful muumuus, with a retinue of hunky shirtless Secret Service studs around him, Barack Obama will find himself in a new kind of paradise no doubt.”) Or right-wing journalist Wayne Madsen, whose eponymous newsletter is the source on Obama’s visits to the bath house and who revealed how Obama used basketball pickup games to pick up men. Obama, Madsen says, had homosexual trysts with Representative Artur Davis, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Senate majority leader Bill Frist! Who knew?
Of course, there’s nothing unusual about the wing-nuttery fabricating stories to rally their fellow nuts, and nothing unusual about the homophobes among them, especially on the religious right, attacking Obama as gay. But the persistent charges of his unmanliness—as if all gay men are unmanly and all women fainthearted—are part of a skein of Republican accusations and innuendoes against Democrats that goes back decades. It isn’t always that Democrats are gay, exactly. Gay becomes a proxy for effeminacy so that Republicans, in their antediluvian view of the world, can present themselves as tough he-men, Democrats as weak girls. Or, in conservative commentator Jude Wanniski’s terms, Republicans are the “Daddy Party,” while Democrats are the “Mommy Party.” That is not intended as a compliment to the latter. Indeed, “feminized” is one of the dirtiest words in the Republican lexicon.


May 15, 2014
I don’t even know, OG. I wish I had the answers, but I don’t. Everything i speak in here is opinion, and from what I’ve seen as an HBCU student and alum. My best guess is a desire to copy what they see their white peers doing, and to further assimilate into their culture. Liking what they see from the opposite culture.

All I know, and the brothers won’t want to hear this, is that a good portion of our men are either gay or on the DL. The numbers will rise. I feel for the ladies, as there won’t be many black men to choose from in the future; unless they’re willing to deal with brothers being with that alternative lifestyle. They’ve got to understand, though, with their nurturing behavior, as well as participating in this shaming culture, they’ve aided in the spread of this. With that being said, I put the majority of this on us.

facts..My daughter even pointed out to me that amongst her age group the number of gay/bi men is :ohhh:And it seems that a growing number of young females seem to accept this trend as a break with old social constructs and conventions.My daughter is an LBGTQ supporter since her best friend since a toddler is an openly gay young man.She does see that a growing number of young black males seem to look towards gay/bi white men for cues as how to navigate through this new landscape.Meanwhile white gay/bi men are feasting right now,from introducing young black males to their lifestyle to discovering new destinations for gay sex tourism(but thats another topic that doesn't get much media coverage for some reason).