
Jun 8, 2012
Honestly, this point is simply not true. It's not that companies don't want to hire African Americans, .......................................................- all they care about is having the most skilled employees further their progress.


i dont need to read anything else you said in the original above post. these two points stand out the most.

So either you're white posing as a black person. or you're a lucky black person that thinks its easier then it is to become you.

lets address this with facts. no emotions needed. now once i address this with facts. i dont want to hear a word from you but "my bad...i see what they're doing to us now. now i get it." OK. I dont want to hear anything negative replies to what i'm about to post. again ALL FACTS.

so lets address this theory, you said its not that these companies dont want to hire african americans. and you said all they care about is having the most skilled employees further their progress. YOU SURE ABOUT THAT ? PROVE IT
or better yet, i'll prove they actually would rather higher whites instead.


^^Read the entire article before you reply.


CAN the above posters i'm replying to please tell me what the ABOVE STATISTICS PROVE?

again do not stray away from the question asked. Stick to the question please. please explain the above Stats. Thank you in advance

Just in case thats not enough for you> It should be.

New York Sheet Metal Workers Case Highlights Persistence of Workplace Discrimination

^^^Read the above article first.

There are 3 ways to make an honest living in america when working for someone.

White-collar work is performed in an office, cubicle, or other administrative setting.

Other types of work are those of a blue-collar worker, whose job requires manual labor and

a pink-collar worker, whose labor is related to customer interaction, entertainment, sales, or other service-oriented work.

some cliff notes but still read the entire article because you can see where its not just minorities but its hurting blacks the most.
The union stands as a case study of how workplace discrimination has persisted in corners of the construction trades, according to federal officials, even as unions have become increasingly diverse.

Forty-four years after the Justice Department originally sued Local 28 for refusing to admit minority workers, the union no longer bars nonwhites from membership, as it once did. Instead, the federal court has found, the local has consistently denied work opportunities to black and Hispanic members. The bias — more subtle and complex than in an earlier era — endures in the midst of the city’s building boom, officials say.

Oh yeah, it gets deeper.

you know lets just ask a black man himself. what ya say Brotha?

In 2008, the union agreed to a settlement of $6.2 million for discrimination that occurred from 1984 through early 1991. As negotiations over later years dragged on, some minority workers gave up on the trade.

Among those who hung on, Mr. Aaron said he could not help but compare himself with white union members who bought houses, sent children to college and retired comfortably. He said he might have built that kind of life, too, if he had had steady work.

“What you going to uplift your life with, if the job is not there?” he asked.

Mr. Pearson, who had to pull his children out of private school and forgo buying a house, says he has made peace with those sacrifices. But he still burns inside when he sees white men with fewer skills hired when he is not.

“It weighs on you,” he said. “You try sometimes to look away and hope that something will change. But it’s still there

wait what? Did this man just say... WHITE MEN WITH FEWER SKILLS ARE HIRED WHEN HE'S NOT? insinuating he has HIGHER SKILLS.
thats exactly what he just said. so to the above posters theory or anyone else who believed that. Now you know its not true. YOU WERE LUCKY/BLESSED. and i'm happy for you and yours. but never take your luck/blessing and make it like its easy to accomplish just thru going to school or getting educated/skilled. its not that easy at all. its far from it. YOU were LUCKY.

What you also dont get is this. as lucky as you were. You dont realize if you were white as skilled as you currently are. You would currently be making even more money as we speak. Thats what you dont get.

Let a white man have your equal skillset. He would be way above where you are today. Thats how cold this game is. even when you're winning you're still losing to them.

But maybe you and your types still think its a game. Fine. EXHIBIT C. your honor.

GOP Redistricting Plot To Unseat Rep. Corrine Brown Exposed

GOP Redistricting Plot To Unseat Rep. Corrine Brown Exposed

READ THE ABOVE ARTICLE AND WATCH THAT VIDEO. ALL OF IT. so you will realize she's not just talking about repubs. but white democrats too.

here's a cliff note, dont be lazy and watch that entire video.

Politico.com reported Adkins(White person) as saying during the closed-door meeting, “You draw [Brown’s(black person for a black district) seat] in such a fashion so perhaps, a majority, or maybe not a majority, but a number of them will live in the prisons, thereby not being able to vote.”

WHAT? :pacspit:

This is how strategic THEY Are when it comes to getting what they want and when it comes to Doing black people DIRTY. now listen. this story is just about re-districting. But its a much bigger issue here. Why do they throw blacks in jail for petty crimes? when they let whites off? why do they stop and frisk us like crazy even though the stats have proven time and time again white people have more drugs and guns on them then we do? THIS IS WHY people. Read that statement again. They kill 3 birds with one stone.

If i throw you in jail. there is no man in the home breaking down the home front and the community.
if i throw you in jail. i get Dirt cheap basically Slave labor.
if i throw you in jail. You nuccas wont be able to vote even in places where most of the area is black.

The trifecta of that RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY


Jay Kast

Hidden Royalty
Sep 17, 2015
Flint, MI

i dont need to read anything else you said in the original above post. these two points stand out the most.

So either you're white posing as a black person. or you're a lucky black person that thinks its easier then it is to become you.

If you are referring to menial jobs, sure you're right.

If you had read the rest of my post, you'd see that I was directing that towards skills that require post-secondary education, hence the example I used (ELECTRICAL ENGINEER). Not janitors, bus drivers or fast food cooks- but skill/jobs that require a degree, which is why I also recommended pursuing higher education within the STEM fields. Granted there is still a disparity in the unemployment rates between white and black, yet at that point the difference is almost negligible.

lets address this with facts. no emotions needed. now once i address this with facts. i dont want to hear a word from you but "my bad...i see what they're doing to us now. now i get it." OK. I dont want to hear anything negative replies to what i'm about to post. again ALL FACTS.

Rapbeats, I can treat your post with respect- yet it has to be reciprocated. Telling a grown man what he has to do somehow does not land in that realm of mutual respect.

so lets address this theory, you said its not that these companies dont want to hire african americans. and you said all they care about is having the most skilled employees further their progress. YOU SURE ABOUT THAT ? PROVE IT
or better yet, i'll prove they actually would rather higher whites instead.


^^Read the entire article before you reply.


CAN the above posters i'm replying to please tell me what the ABOVE STATISTICS PROVE?

again do not stray away from the question asked. Stick to the question please. please explain the above Stats. Thank you in advance

Just in case thats not enough for you> It should be.

New York Sheet Metal Workers Case Highlights Persistence of Workplace Discrimination

^^^Read the above article first.

There are 3 ways to make an honest living in america when working for someone.

White-collar work is performed in an office, cubicle, or other administrative setting.

Other types of work are those of a blue-collar worker, whose job requires manual labor and

a pink-collar worker, whose labor is related to customer interaction, entertainment, sales, or other service-oriented work.

some cliff notes but still read the entire article because you can see where its not just minorities but its hurting blacks the most.

Oh yeah, it gets deeper.

you know lets just ask a black man himself. what ya say Brotha?

wait what? Did this man just say... WHITE MEN WITH FEWER SKILLS ARE HIRED WHEN HE'S NOT? insinuating he has HIGHER SKILLS.
thats exactly what he just said. so to the above posters theory or anyone else who believed that. Now you know its not true. YOU WERE LUCKY/BLESSED. and i'm happy for you and yours. but never take your luck/blessing and make it like its easy to accomplish just thru going to school or getting educated/skilled. its not that easy at all. its far from it. YOU were LUCKY.

The difference in the rates of unemployment between whites and blacks at the level I was speaking about (post secondary) is not that high enough to attribute my journey to pure luck. I can accept that I am blessed, but you only hear the end result - you have no idea what I went through to get where I am at, which required a significant amount of fortitude and industriousness. I've fallen more often than not, but my bills wont get paid by being mad and the world doesnt stop when I realize an injustice being committed - as much as I would like it to, I have no pause button.

What you also dont get is this. as lucky as you were. You dont realize if you were white as skilled as you currently are. You would currently be making even more money as we speak. Thats what you dont get.

This may be true for many people out there, though I know for a fact that I am getting at least equal pay where I work.

Let a white man have your equal skillset. He would be way above where you are today. Thats how cold this game is. even when you're winning you're still losing to them.

My statements are sourced from personal experience- it may or may not be that way for someone in Idaho or Utah. Ultimately, it renders those statements as anecdotal, though not null and void.

But maybe you and your types still think its a game. Fine. EXHIBIT C. your honor.

GOP Redistricting Plot To Unseat Rep. Corrine Brown Exposed

GOP Redistricting Plot To Unseat Rep. Corrine Brown Exposed

READ THE ABOVE ARTICLE AND WATCH THAT VIDEO. ALL OF IT. so you will realize she's not just talking about repubs. but white democrats too.

here's a cliff note, dont be lazy and watch that entire video.

WHAT? :pacspit:

This is how strategic THEY Are when it comes to getting what they want and when it comes to Doing black people DIRTY. now listen. this story is just about re-districting. But its a much bigger issue here. Why do they throw blacks in jail for petty crimes? when they let whites off? why do they stop and frisk us like crazy even though the stats have proven time and time again white people have more drugs and guns on them then we do? THIS IS WHY people. Read that statement again. They kill 3 birds with one stone.

If i throw you in jail. there is no man in the home breaking down the home front and the community.
if i throw you in jail. i get Dirt cheap basically Slave labor.
if i throw you in jail. You nuccas wont be able to vote even in places where most of the area is black.

The trifecta of that RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY


Exhibit C veered off a little bit too far from my original posts. I understand why you posted it, but again, I am not arguing against it so Im not sure what to tell you here.

So are you right about there being an inherent racial disparity in the unemployment between whites and blacks. Yes.

That difference shrinks the more you engage in attaining higher education, to the point where the difference is less than 2 percent. Which is what I was advocating as the basis of my post, GAINING VALUABLE SKILL SETS THROUGH POST SECONDARY EDUCATION, the one that you didnt need to read all the way. Yet, throughout your post - you implore me to read this article and that article, and watch this video ALL THE WAY.

I do appreciate the reply. I hope that future rebuttals employ the same respect I've given you, if not, Im afraid I wouldnt be able to respond in good conscience.

I've never been a poser, as well.


Jun 8, 2012
So are you right about there being an inherent racial disparity in the unemployment between whites and blacks. Yes.

That difference shrinks the more you engage in attaining higher education, to the point where the difference is less than 2 percent. Which is what I was advocating as the basis of my post, GAINING VALUABLE SKILL SETS THROUGH POST SECONDARY EDUCATION, the one that you didnt need to read all the way. Yet, throughout your post - you implore me to read this article and that article, and watch this video ALL THE WAY.

I do appreciate the reply. I hope that future rebuttals employ the same respect I've given you, if not, Im afraid I wouldnt be able to respond in good conscience.

I've never been a poser, as well.
i see you're not paying attention.

i cant go to school if i'm in jail for some nonsense since they are trying to make sure i never vote.

most people who goto school are the THE FIRST one from their family. Which means there's a leneage of educated folk in their family. which is why it seems to more attainable.

if my father is a jailbird because they are putting every obstacle in his way so he will fail at life. and my mom is barely making it on her own. so she cant go to school cause she had a kid when she was super young. and there was no one to baby sit for her when the kid was a baby. school is out for her too. to some degree.

so then when that baby grows up with no pops and a mother thats trying but still aint really making it happen. living on welfare. the little kids choices are dried up for the most part. the school he goes to will not allow him to expand his mind to even believe colllege is doable. thats if he finishes high school. since his high school is more or less just a baby sitting spot for teenagers. since we know they aint teaching much there.

So again. how are most of these people going to get this higher education? they're not.

reparations friend. they have to happen first. then you will start to see droves of people got the route you're speaking of.
oh and the 2% you think you saw is 2% of white folks in unemployment. we're not talking about gainful employement for blacks. we're not talking about good paying jobs for blacks being a 2% split. sure you can get a job making 25k a year with your degree with ya black self.

while white guy with an AA is going to be sitting on 60k per. with less experience then you have.
these are the facts on the ground.

Jay Kast

Hidden Royalty
Sep 17, 2015
Flint, MI
1*i see you're not paying attention.

i cant go to school if i'm in jail for some nonsense since they are trying to make sure i never vote.

most people who goto school are the THE FIRST one from their family. Which means there's a leneage of educated folk in their family. which is why it seems to more attainable.

if my father is a jailbird because they are putting every obstacle in his way so he will fail at life. and my mom is barely making it on her own. so she cant go to school cause she had a kid when she was super young. and there was no one to baby sit for her when the kid was a baby. school is out for her too. to some degree.

so then when that baby grows up with no pops and a mother thats trying but still aint really making it happen. living on welfare. the little kids choices are dried up for the most part. the school he goes to will not allow him to expand his mind to even believe colllege is doable. thats if he finishes high school. since his high school is more or less just a baby sitting spot for teenagers. since we know they aint teaching much there.

So again. how are most of these people going to get this higher education? they're not.

2*reparations friend. they have to happen first. 2*then you will start to see droves of people got the route you're speaking of.
3*oh and the 2% you think you saw is 2% of white folks in unemployment.
we're not talking about gainful employement for blacks. we're not talking about good paying jobs for blacks being a 2% split. sure you can get a job making 25k a year with your degree with ya black self.

while white guy with an AA is going to be sitting on 60k per. with less experience then you have.
these are the facts on the ground.


Man, I've been in jail.

I've been that nikka in school w/ a .25 in my pants. RELIGIOUSLY.

Im a person who grew up under parents who are both handicapped. They couldnt teach me shyt about a life they knew nothing about.

I've been that nikka wasting his life away roaming the streets of Flint, MI.

I've been that nikka selling crack for years.

I've been that nikka getting shot at point blank. I've been that nikka who had to wear bullet proof vests during drug deals.

I've been that nikka that was convicted for a weapons charge at 19 yrs old.

I've been that nikka on welfare, section 8 housing.

I've been that nikka sleeping on couches w/ mice living in the cushions.

Everything I went through, makes me who I am today. Where most people see a wall and stop, is where I ask how strong do I have to be to break through it.

You could never, ever, in your life tell me about hardship, pain or sacrifice. Get off that mental high horse, and get to fukking work. Boss aint paying you what you think you deserve? Speak up about it, DO something about it. My boss laughed in my face, literally, when I first got hired in because I told him what I was going to do. You think I sat there and took that shyt? No, I proved it, and now I am where I am because of it.

Every where I look, I see people giving up. Tired of fighting, tired of struggling. The only time you'll ever be done fighting and struggling is when you're dead.

shyts wrong all over the world.

I had a 0.3 GPA throughout my four years of high school. I was on academic probation the whole time. Had to go to summer school to BARELY pass.

So when you say Im lucky, thats an insult. Im unlucky, if anything. But people are more comfortable believing that its luck because they dont see the possibililty of it happening WITHIN themselves. Moreso, they underhandedly disparage the work ethic it takes to LIVE, and not just survive - by attributing it to luck. Thats hater mentality.

There just might be a white guy on the other side of the fence making more than me doing the same or even less work.

Am I going to plop down on my ass and cry about it? Am I going to concede defeat because the game is rigged against me and my ilk? Do you even have to ask?

That is what I see. People who are comfortable living in an illusion that says a good life is impossible. It may be harder, but nothing is impossible.

There wasnt any difference between the imaginary scenarios you've laid out and my real life.

Im tired of that victim mentality. "We can't do this because of yadda yadda yadda".


1* Never in your life talk down to me like I cant or that I am incapable of understanding something. You've lost my respect.

2* This is the same shyt I was talking about in my original posts. How are you going to argue a point that I've already introduced?

3* nikka, I can count. I know how to read charts. That chart says that unemployment amongst blacks is 4.1% and whites is 2.4% at 'BACHELORS DEGREE OR HIGHER'. 4.1%-2.4%=1.7%. LESS THAN 2 %.

Do me a favor and stop talking to me, please.


Jun 8, 2012


I HAVE To have this same discussion with your types on here every other tuesday.

Do you even know what the "VICTIM" mentality is in regards to actual victims?

NO. you dont.

See there's a difference when you have been victimized in the past and now thats over and you can just get up and get back on that horse and as long as you work hard, you will make things happen.

what if you are currently victimized today as you were years ago? the victimization has never stopped/ceased to exist. So this "victim" mentality is actually a correct mentality to have under the circumstances. see you can TRY to lie to yourself about whats really true out there. about one or two people out of millions getting thru the cracks and getting lucky enough to be blessed with a certain level of high intellect, being blessed with a certain level of hustle(most normal people, white, black, green or yellow dont have the hustle of EXTREME hustlers and no it cant be taught. some things are Gifts. just like the gift to sing is a gift, you can't be taught to sing like a great singer. ), you might get lucky enough to be born into a stable family situation even though you live in the hood with just one parent, etc, etc, etc. but lets not forget thats not MOST people, Thats not MOST black people. YOU got lucky, perhaps I got lucky. but the rest of the homies didnt for the most part. thats a fact. you can show me a few people here and there that blew their opportunities. but thats about it. most people didnt have those chances or shots to begin with. thats why they are where they are in life.

So high-income Blacks have done pretty well—even slightly improved relative to the top White households. They have to a degree benefited from the social changes of recent decades. But for a very large segment of the Black population, not only that bottom 20%, their relative position has gotten somewhat worse, and for many their absolute incomes have actually fallen. The long-term reduction of the minimum wage (in real terms) has had an especially harsh impact on low-income Blacks, and the weakening of labor unions has also harmed a broad swath of the Black community. Add the mass incarceration of young Black men and their consequent exclusion from the economic mainstream, and it is not hard to understand continuing Black-White inequality.

Two other points should be kept in mind: First, the changes between 1970 and 2011 have not been smooth. Measured by either the mean or the median, the income position of Black households relative to White households was fairly stable in the 1970s, fell off sharply in the early 1980s, and rose again to a peak in the late 1990s before falling off to its current level.

Second, income distribution is only one measure of economic inequality. The Great Recession had a devastating impact on the wealth of Black households, largely explained by the impact of the housing crisis (see Jeannette Wicks-Lim, “The Great Recession in Black Wealth,” D&S, Jan/Feb 2012). In 2004, the net worth of White households was about eleven times that of Black households (bad enough), about the same as it had been since the early 1980s (with a slight improvement in the mid-1990s). But by 2009, though both Black and White net worth fell from 2004, White net worth was 19 times Black net worth.

The more things change, the more they stay the same—or get worse!

^^^this is with the stats showing blacks have more degrees than ever now. Yet we are worse off then we were when we had less degrees. This is the reality that we face. just running to school getting in debt isnt going to solve it either. we need Reparations. PERIOD. Point blank. any black person against that. is STUPID. dont bring up anything else. BUT that. learn how to be strategic. sure you have other ideas. keep those to yourselves for now. every single black person in america should be pushing for Reparations. Dont bring up anything else about what blacks SHOULD DO. thats convolutes the discussion at hand. again, this is how you become strategic as a group. THEE most important thing is Reparations. Focus on that, get that. then we can start breaking down the "what we need to do is go to school, open businesses, etc, etc.)"

if you keep trying to argue with me. it shows me and the world that black folks can't ever get on the same page even to their benefit. and stop saying "they wont give it to us anyway". They gave it to all those other groups. They allowed you to go to college, they allowed you to read books eventually. They allowed you to work on their work places. But if you are to stupid to push for it. then surely you wont get it.


Jun 8, 2012
basically what i'm saying is this. smart people with stable households or those blessed with extreme hustle/work ethic. will find their way on a college campus or become business owners and do well anyway. without you saying "stem stem stem". The proof is in the numbers.

The problem isnt with that select very tiny group. the problem is with the rest of the black folks. the black folks of average intelligence. growing up in an unstable environment, wasnt born with an extreme work ethic/hustle mentality. So saying "stem stem stem" to them means nothing. you can say it 1000 times. and it still wont move the needled. because you have to meet people where they are then raise them up from there.

which is why i said we need that REP money. that would lift even the chief keefs of the hood. yeah they will blow money on stupid stuff. but so do rich people. they are just rich enough to blow money and it not matter. they will get cars, rims. but they will also get better homes in better neighborhoods which will lead to more STABLE environments. once you do that. NOW you can roll up on Chief and say "you ever thought about computers? education? owning your own legal business?"

thats how you do that.

Jay Kast

Hidden Royalty
Sep 17, 2015
Flint, MI
You are actually championing the same exact points I made in this thread before you jumped in when the dust settled with your chest out.

Are you zooted?

Read my posts in this thread thoroughly.

I'm the one who said to use reparations to get higher education, investment in land and stocks/bonds.

I'm the one who said,

No one ever says this about Jewish, Japanese or any other kind of people except blacks. Somehow we are not worthy by our own standards. Seems kind of self defeatist.

You are really doing yourself a disservice.


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
You are actually championing the same exact points I made in this thread before you jumped in when the dust settled with your chest out.

Are you zooted?

Read my posts in this thread thoroughly.

I'm the one who said to use reparations to get higher education, investment in land and stocks/bonds.

I'm the one who said,

No one ever says this about Jewish, Japanese or any other kind of people except blacks. Somehow we are not worthy by our own standards. Seems kind of self defeatist.

You are really doing yourself a disservice.

Nikka get your c00n ass out my thread.....comin in here with that "devil advocating" bullshyt.......This subject is past the time for any "debate" whatsoever....there is NONE...the crackas owe blood and land, resources, let alone just "money"....they owe they life to be honest......:rudy: at you c00ns trying to ignite a debate on an absolute obvious fact.....

Jay Kast

Hidden Royalty
Sep 17, 2015
Flint, MI
It's best not to argue with fools.

You are literally an idiot.


I cant believe that two individuals on THECOLI are as ignorant as you two, @Medicate and @rapbeats

This shyt baffles me to no end, knowing that two individuals misconstrued my ENTIRE PREMISE in this thread to be 'AGAINST REPARATIONS' when I was one of the main people advocating reparations.

@Medicate, you can suck a dikk.
Last edited:


May 3, 2012
This shyt is pie in the sky. But keep waiting on it. For what it's worth, I'd rather separate entirely. Have a Black Israel (stfu Hoteps). But that's pie in the sky too. Some shyt isn't worth putting energy in to.


Jun 8, 2012
This shyt is pie in the sky. But keep waiting on it. For what it's worth, I'd rather separate entirely. Have a Black Israel (stfu Hoteps). But that's pie in the sky too. Some shyt isn't worth putting energy in to.
if its pie in the sky and you are actually black. then guess what? it will be just that. pie in the sky. If you believe in its validity, and you and those that look like you push for it hard, you just might see the needle move on it. how do you think the natives got theirs? how do you think other groups got theirs? those people pushed for it. and pushed, and pushed, and pushed, and pushed, and pushed.

just because you havent seen it, doesnt mean its bull crap. it aint. its real if you push to make it real.but the pie in the sky is thinking it will JUST happen on its on with little to no effort from us, as well as from some white folks that are riding for us. you need a combination of both to make it happen. and by no means am i going to say it would work out perfectly. we know it would be difficult even if they did give it to us as a group. but first things first. you have to believe its possible. then strive to make it a reality.

Early in Sarah’s life she received reparations. The Creek Nation agreed with the federal government to free their 16,000 slaves. This gave them citizenship in Creek Nation and dibs on the soil. Once freed, they became known as Freedmen. Sarah and members of her family each received land allotments before Oklahoma became a State. This was common for Freedmen to receive land but only land that was deemed “less valuable”.

But the ancestors had a different plan for our sister Sarah. That “less valuable” land she was given, had oil on it.

Excerpt from the Chicago Defender, November 14, 1913:

Guthrie, Okla., – This state has the honor of possessing as one of its young citizens the wealthiest colored girl in the world. She is the owner of 160 acres of oil land, which she leased through her guardian, J.T. Porter, to the Standard Oil Company. Two wells have been sunk, one of which yields 2,000 barrels a day, while the second yields 1,800 barrels.

At the age of 10, Sarah received $475 every day of her life. That’s $14,250 a month.

White folks were not happy about that. Her wealth alarmed them and they made efforts to put Sarah under their guardianship. You read it right. They were so upset that a Black child was that rich and they weren’t, they wanted her put under guardianship of whites.

So even after this BLACK girl received reparations it was still all sorts of nonsense she had to deal with. so it wont be easy to get and it wont be easy to hold on to. but never say its impossible.