.Honestly, this point is simply not true. It's not that companies don't want to hire African Americans, .......................................................- all they care about is having the most skilled employees further their progress.
i dont need to read anything else you said in the original above post. these two points stand out the most.
So either you're white posing as a black person. or you're a lucky black person that thinks its easier then it is to become you.
lets address this with facts. no emotions needed. now once i address this with facts. i dont want to hear a word from you but "my bad...i see what they're doing to us now. now i get it." OK. I dont want to hear anything negative replies to what i'm about to post. again ALL FACTS.
so lets address this theory, you said its not that these companies dont want to hire african americans. and you said all they care about is having the most skilled employees further their progress. YOU SURE ABOUT THAT ? PROVE IT
or better yet, i'll prove they actually would rather higher whites instead.
^^Read the entire article before you reply.

CAN the above posters i'm replying to please tell me what the ABOVE STATISTICS PROVE?
again do not stray away from the question asked. Stick to the question please. please explain the above Stats. Thank you in advance
Just in case thats not enough for you> It should be.
New York Sheet Metal Workers Case Highlights Persistence of Workplace Discrimination
^^^Read the above article first.
There are 3 ways to make an honest living in america when working for someone.
White-collar work is performed in an office, cubicle, or other administrative setting.
Other types of work are those of a blue-collar worker, whose job requires manual labor and
a pink-collar worker, whose labor is related to customer interaction, entertainment, sales, or other service-oriented work.
some cliff notes but still read the entire article because you can see where its not just minorities but its hurting blacks the most.
The union stands as a case study of how workplace discrimination has persisted in corners of the construction trades, according to federal officials, even as unions have become increasingly diverse.
Forty-four years after the Justice Department originally sued Local 28 for refusing to admit minority workers, the union no longer bars nonwhites from membership, as it once did. Instead, the federal court has found, the local has consistently denied work opportunities to black and Hispanic members. The bias — more subtle and complex than in an earlier era — endures in the midst of the city’s building boom, officials say.
Oh yeah, it gets deeper.
you know lets just ask a black man himself. what ya say Brotha?
In 2008, the union agreed to a settlement of $6.2 million for discrimination that occurred from 1984 through early 1991. As negotiations over later years dragged on, some minority workers gave up on the trade.
Among those who hung on, Mr. Aaron said he could not help but compare himself with white union members who bought houses, sent children to college and retired comfortably. He said he might have built that kind of life, too, if he had had steady work.
“What you going to uplift your life with, if the job is not there?” he asked.
Mr. Pearson, who had to pull his children out of private school and forgo buying a house, says he has made peace with those sacrifices. But he still burns inside when he sees white men with fewer skills hired when he is not.
“It weighs on you,” he said. “You try sometimes to look away and hope that something will change. But it’s still there.”
wait what? Did this man just say... WHITE MEN WITH FEWER SKILLS ARE HIRED WHEN HE'S NOT? insinuating he has HIGHER SKILLS.
thats exactly what he just said. so to the above posters theory or anyone else who believed that. Now you know its not true. YOU WERE LUCKY/BLESSED. and i'm happy for you and yours. but never take your luck/blessing and make it like its easy to accomplish just thru going to school or getting educated/skilled. its not that easy at all. its far from it. YOU were LUCKY.
What you also dont get is this. as lucky as you were. You dont realize if you were white as skilled as you currently are. You would currently be making even more money as we speak. Thats what you dont get.
Let a white man have your equal skillset. He would be way above where you are today. Thats how cold this game is. even when you're winning you're still losing to them.
But maybe you and your types still think its a game. Fine. EXHIBIT C. your honor.
GOP Redistricting Plot To Unseat Rep. Corrine Brown Exposed
GOP Redistricting Plot To Unseat Rep. Corrine Brown Exposed
READ THE ABOVE ARTICLE AND WATCH THAT VIDEO. ALL OF IT. so you will realize she's not just talking about repubs. but white democrats too.
here's a cliff note, dont be lazy and watch that entire video.
Politico.com reported Adkins(White person) as saying during the closed-door meeting, “You draw [Brown’s(black person for a black district) seat] in such a fashion so perhaps, a majority, or maybe not a majority, but a number of them will live in the prisons, thereby not being able to vote.”

This is how strategic THEY Are when it comes to getting what they want and when it comes to Doing black people DIRTY. now listen. this story is just about re-districting. But its a much bigger issue here. Why do they throw blacks in jail for petty crimes? when they let whites off? why do they stop and frisk us like crazy even though the stats have proven time and time again white people have more drugs and guns on them then we do? THIS IS WHY people. Read that statement again. They kill 3 birds with one stone.
If i throw you in jail. there is no man in the home breaking down the home front and the community.
if i throw you in jail. i get Dirt cheap basically Slave labor.
if i throw you in jail. You nuccas wont be able to vote even in places where most of the area is black.
The trifecta of that RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY