Free White & 21
I don't feel the same, fortunately. I'd say that my way of thinking isn't one in one hundred (1%). I know plenty of like minded individuals.
Responsible, yet irresponsible? You lost me there. I somewhat get the gist yet you are going on a roundabout way of saying 99% of people do not care enough to donate to the cause.
This is not money that people have to spread thinly between buying groceries or keeping their lights on.
I won't say what could happen (I have a few ideas) because this will turn into an IF type of debate which will go nowhere and everywhere at the same time.
No one ever says this about Jewish, Japanese or any other kind of people except blacks. Somehow we are not worthy by our own standards. Seems kind of self defeatist.
I always run across this attitude on the Internet but never in real life.
I have a bit more faith than you, it seems.
EDIT- Also you are basically ignoring the fact that sitting on money (which to most competent humans would be investing into mutual funds, CDs, or LAND) would actually grow money rather than letting it languish into less money throughout the years accounting for inflation
ALSO, do you not believe that more than one percent of parents would be able to afford higher education for their kids? The net effect of the next generation having significantly more income would in turn create more stable households, which would equal more well adjusted kids who would continue that path of prosperity on and on?
I mean there's so many ways this could go but the fact that the prevailing attitude is "down the drain" is MADDENINGLY sad.
Didn't want to make another post back to back.
The way things are now, I don't see more than 4 million black americans aggregating their money toward the goal of black empowerment. I'd like to be wrong on this but i don't see it at all.
I'm not ignoring anything. Sitting on money to people who don't really understand finance is just that - sitting on it. Most of us don't have basic financial understanding.
Responsible, yet irresponsible in this instance means: You pay off your debts instead of investing. It SEEMS responsible to get out of debt, but the best way to get out of debt is to GENERATE MORE MONEY. Using money that could build wealth to get out of the red, instead of using that money to build wealth AND get out of the red, is what most people who don't understand finance do. We as a people really don't understand finance so i can predict this behavior pretty confidently.
Nobody ever says this shyt about the jews because they are the shining example of staying on an Empowerment Code and Aggregating Wealth. Black Americans are the POLAR OPPOSITE of jews when it comes to the way we handle money and the idea of Empowerment. We are the shining example of doing idiotic things as a group. We may actually be the lone example of a collective lack of empowerment and a lack of aggregating wealth. Nobody is as terrible as us at this currently.
Higher education for your kids? For our children to have a PROPER education we need to invest in schools, teachers, and CONSTRUCTIVE time as parents. Gotta be on code and aggregate to do that. But ok higher education to get a job WHERE? We're not building our own economy and creating businesses for our kids to work at so i guess they'd join the rest of the blacks who currently ain't/can't get hired. The current NON-BLACK workplace ain't starving for black employees. They don't want as many as they have now.
For the record i think we deserve reparations and we deserve them now - regardless of the current mindset of black america. It would be better for us if we got them after we were on code and building our own economy. I don't think we will get them UNTIL we get on code and build our own economy but i'll take them now if it were possible. If i have to build with only %1 of us then i'll gladly do that. I'm gonna do that regardless of reparations.
As far as you being MADDENINGLY sad? Good! At least you feel something. When them crackas erased my history by
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