I can't quote some posts directly because I do not have posting privileges in the forum they’re made.
First I noticed:
"not a big deal. visibility is low in those costumes, probably.
also, kids too grown to believe in puppets or whatever that was"
Your response to children being mistreated even with the video right there showing what happened. Your first inclination was to disregard the complaint by the mother and the pain those two girls must have felt seeing other kids (non-Black) recognized but not themselves. Yes, later you saw more videos that definitely demonstrated it is a pattern of mistreatment that Black children receive, but still at the beginning you sought a way to ignore the mistreatment in favor of admonishing the two little Black girls.
"Sounds like the Black people in those cities need to get organized politically to stop this over-policing.
Then again...I wonder if the Black people are actually bothered by it. I'd be that numbers are similar in any major city, but most of us don't notice. Cops usually target specific areas, along with certain people."
This quote shows you are literally blaming the Black people in that area for the over-policing. You did not give organizing as a possible solution for the mistreatment, you gave it as a means of blaming victims, whom are Black, pointing out it is merely their lack of organization that allows for their mistreatment.
Your whole "Benign Neglect" thread and poll is a low-key jab at Black people, specifically at those who feel that various services and payments are owed. Your libertarian, even if you do not claim it, talk during that whole thread simply disregarded many points made by people in favor of essentially saying the government does enough. This is especially egregious when the data and facts show that Black people are not only doing worse than others, but that we are actually actively hindered from doing better by various systems in place controlled by federal and local governments. I grant you the fact that you did not directly mention race in your statements, but the arguments against your assertions did mention how race was a factor. So, it seemed more like you were trying to avoid recognizing those factors in favor of obfuscating the real purpose of your arguments instead of actually directly acknowledging those statements in a non-disingenuous manner. With the real purpose being, in my opinion, that Black people should not request any support from the government.