I just realize is that big bytch from the Freak Show season?
After all that happened in this episode the Anti-Christ vs The Coven looks like it will actually pop offIs it me or is the true reason of this season being a crossover between Murder House and Coven is to eventually see who is the most powerful: "Anti-Christ" Michael Langdon vs "The Supreme Witch" Cordelia Goode?
To be fair none of those whinny ass dudes need to be revivedSo the coven of feminist just gonna leave the brehs stretched out like that?
Pawg had him shook so he deaded everyoneSo Michael was just bullshytting around and then merked everyone? And its time for some infinity war action.
None.What seasons of American Horror Story are worth watching?
I made it to the mid season point to Coven and stopped watching. I watched all the seasons before that.