James Gordon
The computer wrote this
father was disappointed even in death

I legit felt sorry for him.The computer wrote thisfather was disappointed even in death
This is the scene that sealed it for me. You can't be Black and not feel something stirring within you after watching it.
That p*ssycat fukked Shadow
...Mr.NancyETHER'd Bilquis and Mortician Breh
'Three African GAWDZin here and two is scared to fight the oppressed overLord'
I told y'all Anansi is that dudeNancy is the realest character on tv.
i'm shocked how real they allow him to be.
American Gods Greatest Story Ever Told Recap: Too Much SubtextI'm confused about why most of the previews said this season was going to be a mess. I haven't rewatched the first season, but I don't notice a dropoff in quality (yet).
They scared of game of Thronesepisodes 5,6, and 7 leaked!!