America is 76% White. I'm honestly surprised by this...

Dec 27, 2017

And yet and still the fertility rate of Black women are still higher than White women

And using "Hispanic" as a group when that is not a real race

And Abortions have also decreased

America’s Abortion Rate Has Dropped to Its Lowest Ever (Published 2019)

"New research suggests contraception and fewer pregnancies may be more responsible for the decline than state laws restricting abortion."

The institute estimated that there were about 862,000 abortions in 2017, nearly 200,000 fewer than in 2011. The abortion rate — the number of abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age — dropped to 13.5 in 2017 from 16.9 in 2011, the lowest rate since abortion became legal nationwide in 1973."

Stay on topic next time

Do you even know what replacement rate is? It's 2.1 which would be represented by a horizontal line at 2100 added to the image you posted. The only group listed that fits that criteria is Hawaiian//Other Pacific Islander. Every group in that list is below the replacement level. We've aborted more black people than we have black people in America right now which would put our numbers at almost 100 million, if they were never aborted, snapped your fingers and made them appear, that would put us close to 2/3rds of the non-Hispanic white population.