You are 100% on point, but I wasn't making a direct analogy. The mall itself was a change to how people shopped. The days of spending hours going from point A, B, C, D, etc to buy what you wanted didn't go away but was greatly diminished. Now most of your shopping and leisurely needs were one stop away. Your Walmarts, Tatgets, Best Buys tend to be located within or adjacent to malls. That's convenience. Then you have an Amazon come through and crush the buildings. Internet shopping has greatly affected the mom and pop establishments. Malls have also been affected but nowhere near as drastically. Black Friday sales have been on the decline while Cyber Monday continues to grow. The mall is the real example of people wanting to socialize. Yeah, I could get whatever I want with a click, but I want to get out of the house. Sam Goody used to be a powerhouse until downloading and then streaming took over. With gaming, we're seeing digital downloads slowly dig into the sale of physical discs. Gamespot will be dead soon enough. The internet in general is the biggest threat to the brick and mortar dominance we grew up on.