As more and more of these women willingly embrace the word/phrase it's time to start calling them what they are: whores. She will do anything for money and has no moral clarity beyond money. If you don't like Biden fine, whatever. But don't tell me Trump is better for women's rights or abortion. The guy who shytcanned Roe v Wade, has said women should be punished for having abortions, and is now flirting with the idea of a national abortion ban is not the woman candidate. Even if you don't fukk with Biden you can't possibly take this position've been paid to take it. Hence getting back to that "whore" word.
This man surrounds himself with people like this who will do anything for money, promotion, or fame. And I'd hope all the women who fell for Amber's half assed "slut" feminist bullshyt take the L on this. She was never a feminist, it was always about money. Wealth redistribution from men to women. That's all the movement is about when you get down to it. If she wasn't doing this she'd be trying to fukk some rapper or athlete 15 years younger than her.